Chapter 39

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An hour later, Beatrix still couldn't believe what she'd just agreed to.

Hayley and Marcel had already been revived by then, and Marcel had left to look for Freya. The Heretic had been occupied in her thoughts when Marcel and Freya came in without Rebekah, who was meant to have arrived in New Orleans that night.

"Where is Rebekah?" demanded Elijah.

Freya cast him a distraught look. "Get to the St. Louis Cathedral and wait for me. I need to call Klaus. Beatrix— get everything ready for a locator spell."

"Got it," said the Heretic, glad to get her mind off of Caroline and the apparently alive twins.

Elijah, Hayley, and Beatrix sped away immediately, Marcel waiting behind to take Freya with him once she called Klaus. They wasted no time in getting up to the belltower. Beatrix grabbed the biggest map she could find and put it on the table, setting a wide array of candles on the four corners to hold the map down. She took a bowl and beckoned for Elijah to drain his blood into it. Without hesitation, he bit into his wrist and let the crimson liquid drain in.

Minutes later, Marcel and Freya arrived. "So, where is Klaus?" said Hayley.

Freya didn't look pleased with the answer. "When I told him about Rebekah, he said he'd pursue another lead."

Elijah looked very disappointed to hear this. "Forget Niklaus. You both will find her."

"Are you sure you got enough ju-ju for a worldwide locator spell?" asked Marcel as Beatrix and Freya linked hands across the table.

"She's our family," said Freya. "We're not going to lose her." The two closed their eyes and began to chant, "Le six ce strul no cruv. Le six ce strul no cruv." They unlinked only to join palms under the bowl of blood and pour it ont the map. As soon as this was done, their hands locked again. "Le six ce strul no cruv. Le six ce strul no cruv..."

This proved useless. Rather than going to a location, the blood simply seeped all over the map. "Damnit!" Freya hissed.

"So much for witch-GPS," sighed Hayley.

"I assumed they'd cloak her," Freya said shakily. "I didn't expect a spell this strong."

"The witch that lured Rebekah in," murmured Beatrix. "With the help of the Strix Coven, too. Fuck... this is going to be a lot more difficult than we expected."

"The Strix trust me," Marcel offered. "If they know where Rebekah is, I can find her."

Elijah shook his head. "There is no time. You need to stop Davina from activating Lucien and Tristan's weapon."

"We need to find Rebekah!" Marcel insisted.

"Marcel, I will not rest until my sister is found!"

He conceded. "Alright. I'll handle Davina." He sped away.

"In the meantime, please tell me we're gonna kill someone?" said Hayley hopefully.

"Oh, we're going to kill many someones," said Elijah. "But first, if we are to start a war, let us determine where our allegiances lie." He nodded to Freya and Beatrix, and he and Hayley sped away.

"What did Klaus say?" inquired Beatrix. "Why... why didn't he come?"

"He insists there is some other lead to look into," said Freya, rubbing her temples. "No idea what it could be. But... I did notice, he was being rather quiet when he spoke. Almost like he was with someone."

Beatrix's heart skipped a beat. "You think... with someone?"

Freya nodded, and Beatrix frowned. "But... but Klaus doesn't sleep around like that," she said in confusion. "He always tells me these things. He still hasn't wanted to talk to me..."

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