Chapter 10

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When Beatrix opened her eyes, she saw Kai was staring at her.

"What the fuck is your problem?" she hissed, flinching and pulling the sheets to cover herself properly.

"You were talking in your sleep again," he said smugly. "I heard the names 'Kol' and 'Elijah.'"

"I was reliving memories," she mumbled, getting up to get dressed.

Kai simply continued to stare. She put on a sweater that she had found in the Mikaelson compound when she had snuck into Elijah's room, all those years ago. When she got out, she wanted to be wearing it. Her dream had reminded her that she had it in her possession. Under Kai's almost baleful watch, she slipped on some baggy jeans, and sneakers she hadn't worn in probably a decade.

"You're always hassling me about looking presentable and that's the outfit you choose to reunite with your man?" scoffed Kai.

She turned back, to where he was dressed in a t-shirt, shorts, and a jacket, as usual. "I don't see a problem with that."

He moved closer, gazing at her intently. "Did you mean what you said last night?" he asked. "Or was it just the heat of an angry moment?"

She sighed and leaned against the closet door. "I think so. I feel angry. But if I see Elijah again today... the feeling might wash away."

Kai pursed his lips. "Okay. But I will call you when I get my master plan through to destroy the Gemini Coven. So you can show me the perks of being a Heretic."

"Fine." She shrugged and went into the bathroom.

After they had a very tense breakfast with Damon and Bonnie (where Beatrix finally got to try the pancakes), Kai pulled her out the door and told the others to follow behind. He held the Ascendant up, pretending to be checking for the right spot again. He and Beatrix had known just which spot of the woods would suffice since years ago. But the others didn't know that.

"They're so gullible sometimes," Kai said with a chuckle as he held an ax over his shoulder. "They think we're looking, but we already know... and after this I'll make Damon dig and dig, just to leave him here. Pity for him."

Beatrix didn't answer. She trudged behind him, thinking back to what she had dreamed.


Elijah was in the doorway of their room. She turned, smiling. "Hey, 'Lijah," she said softly. "What's going on?"

"I have a surprise for you," he said, holding his arm up. "Please, come."

Skeptically, she went over, taking his arm as he led her out of the room. It was early 1901, and most days, Beatrix was either learning a new song on the piano and the violin, which Elijah had started teaching her, or she was stuck in the library reading. Elijah, however, had figured out something that would significantly cheer her up from being stuck inside.

He led her toward the dining room, where Beatrix could hear someone eating very loudly. They sounded starved. At first, she listened to the rapid heartbeat and thought perhaps they had brought home another young child that needed a safe home, but as they neared, the beating sounded stronger, like that of an adult. What was more, it sounded familiar.

When they entered the room, Beatrix's eyes widened. Hunched over a plate and devouring an entire ham was Kol Mikaelson, dressed in clean clothes that fit the 1900s much better, compared to the ratty 1820s attire he'd been daggered in.

"I undaggered him," whispered Elijah as she let go of his arm, covering her mouth. "I thought you two might like some freedom. It would do you both well to travel, if you are up for it."

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