Chapter 19

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Beatrix remained in her room long enough to make the others a bit worried.

"How about we visit your Aunt Beatrix and see if she is still wallowing in sadness after her apparent squabble with Uncle Elijah?"

The Heretic looked up from where she was fixing her sheets as Klaus came in with Hope, who looked overjoyed. "Hello, darling," said Beatrix, going over and plucking the girl out of her father's arms. "Your daddy is just itching to get the scoop on everything around here, isn't it?"

"Well, you've been cooped up in here for so long and we barely see you for meals," said Klaus indifferently. "One might think you're plotting murder."

Beatrix made a silly face to Hope. "Hear that? He thinks I'm planning murder. Absolutely no common sense." She looked back up at the hybrid. "Actually, I've been fixing my room the best I can. And, you know, figuring out how to bring your brother back from the dead."

"I am very aware of that, love," said Klaus, examining the room out of curiosity. "But I would expect you to socialize more than you have been. Elijah has not come by since we saw him leave in a hurry the other day, and you haven't really shown face. You're too talkative to be stuck in here by your lonesome." He glanced up at the wall, seeing the painting he had made for her. "I am rather surprised you still have that."

"Why would I get rid of it?" said Beatrix as she waved her hand to conjure a blanket for Hope on the ground. She set her down and gave her a small ball of yarn. "I can make you a doll with this if you like it." Hope didn't seem to need it to take the form of a doll. She picked up the ball of yarn and squealed, waving it around with content.

"Freya is stopping by," said Klaus, leaning against the wall and watching the two. "I would like for you to join us when Rebekah arrives. She should be here shortly. Elijah called her."

"Are you sure you want me stepping in? That's a family matter."

He threw his hands in the air like he couldn't believe her words. "When has 'family matter' ever excluded you? I'd like to think you'd know by now that we always like having you there as a somewhat neutral party. You have attachments to allof us and therefore, will see reason."

"Actually, you just like to include me because I almost always agree with you. It's the one thing Elijah always hated, but never spoke on. He knows that while I am rational like him, I tend to lean to my wilder side that tailors to you."

Klaus smirked. "I am your sire, Beatrix. Naturally, you will prefer to follow what I say. But you do not always do it. You have sided with Elijah many times."

"Klaus, I just don't think it wise to go and stick my foot where it really doesn't belong. This is between all of you. Freya is your sister, not mine. If it were up to me, I wouldn't want to make any contact with her unless we had a way to fully trust her."

This made the hybrid's lips curl into a greater smirk. "Funny thing, then, because that's exactly what I wanted you to think. I have absolutely no intentions of warming up to her. You know that I never would. Elijah and Rebekah may be softened quite easily— especially my sister, because after Kol's idiotic 'prank' on her, she sees Freya as the savior that helped her get out of the Fauline Cottage."

"So you came here, bearing serotonin in the form of your daughter, to sway me to stand by your side in the matter of Freya? You're a devil, Klaus."

"And yet, you often agree with this devil." He knelt beside her. "I knew you could not resist, looking at that little face." For effect, it was like Hope knew to coo happily. "But I will not force you to do this. I am well aware that you and Elijah are not on good terms. I happened to have overheard, of course..."

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