Chapter 70

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How does a person tell someone that their mother is dead?

The entire time that Freya and Beatrix waited for Hope to wake up, they asked themselves that question over and over in their heads.

It was already the next day. Hope was sleeping, and had no idea what'd happened. Klaus had gotten them out late in the night, once Elijah had left with Roman. He'd gone to New Orleans, and Beatrix had taken her niece to the Salvatore School, waiting for Freya to arrive.

Hope shot awake, and the dreaded moment arrived. "Mom?" she gasped as Freya and Beatrix moved forward. "Mom? What— what happened? Where is she?"

"Breathe," coaxed Freya gently. "You're safe now."

"Where's my mom?" Hope demanded, looking directly at Beatrix.

The Heretic's eyes immediately welled up with tears. "Oh, my sweet girl," she whispered. "I'm so sorry."

"No," whispered Hope. "She... no..."

Beatrix nodded slowly. "She's gone," she whispered.

Hope shook her head wildly. "No— no... no..." Freya and Beatrix immediately pulled her into a hug as she began to sob, words of denial continuing to spill from her lips.

How could they comfort her? Freya had already overcome the loss of her mother— an event she barely remembered. It was more fresh in Beatrix's mind, but she too, had already grieved. What could they say in this day and age that would bring their niece any comfort? How could they understand how she felt? She was certain she was to blame.

It seemed Hope didn't want any words. She kept sobbing, and when either woman attempted to speak, she motioned for them to cease speaking.

"Hope," whispered Beatrix for the fourth time. "We're here for you, no matter what. Anything you need..."

"I need to be alone," said Hope, facing away from them as she dried her tears. "Can you like... wait outside or something?"

Freya and Beatrix shared a worried look but nodded, and respectfully left the room. The door shut behind them and they sat down, leaning against it.

"I always felt guilty for my mother's death," whispered Beatrix. "But I was so much younger. Things changed so quickly. I-I recovered faster when I realized it really wasn't my fault. This situation..."

"It's going to be so hard to convince her it wasn't her fault," whispered Freya. "She'll feel guilty because she trapped you and Hayley in coffins to begin with." The Mikaelson witch held out her phone. "Oh, thank God. Vincent says the plan is a go to help Klaus astral project to the funeral..."

Beatrix sighed and rubbed her forehead. "At the very least, that will help a lot."

"This sucks," Freya said, shaking her head. "She shouldn't have had to lose Hayley. Klaus should be able to be there in person to comfort her. This wasn't supposed to happen..."

The Heretic put her head in her hands. "It should have been me. I should... I should have done more. I should have died instead."

Freya shook her head sternly. "No, no, don't you start. The point is that neither of you are to blame. Elijah isn't to blame. Nor Roman. He was manipulated. He had no idea what Greta was planning. This is Greta's fault and her fault only. Hayley... she made a choice, Beatrix. She chose to sacrifice herself just like you wanted to, seven years ago."

"Hope needs her mother, Freya. I-If I'd have just gotten rid of The Hollow the way I wanted, to have it be in me, and have me die, then— then Klaus and Elijah would have still been getting along. Hayley and Elijah would have reconciled. Hope would have her mother."

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