Chapter 37

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In the evening, Beatrix and Klaus made their way to Rousseau's.

A Halloween party was already in full swing, with humans in costumes everywhere. Klaus yanked Beatrix through the bar until they found Lucien seated at a booth. He had three woman with him— one dressed as a cat, one as a nurse, and another as a skeleton bride (all sexy, of course).

"There's my old friend," said Klaus loudly as Lucien sank his fangs into the girl beside him. He looked up enthusiastically, some blood running down his chin. "Nik!"

"Hard at work ensuring my safety, I see," he said.

Lucien nodded his head with a goofy grin, and Beatrix realized he was drunk. He beckoned them over. "By all means, join us! Even though you're not in costume..."

"Business before pleasure," said Klaus pointedly as the woman dressed as a nurse looked him up and down.

"Ah," said Lucien in understanding. "Excuse me, ladies."

The three left without objection, and Beatrix slid down into the booth. Klaus paused, however, as he noticed that a rather burly man was remaining rooted at the spot beside the booth, as if supervising.

"Aha!" said Lucien. "I see you've noticed Gregory. Former Navy SEAL. I turned him personally to head my security team."

"Surely a vampire as ancient as yourself doesn't need a security team," said Beatrix with distaste, glancing up at Gregory.

"Not all of us are as gifted with witchcraft as you, darling," said Lucien as he leaned back in his seat. "By the way, I was doing some research— now I recall where exactly I heard of you. You're the one that the Strix can't stand."

She shrugged. "I get that a lot. Surely someone with extensive resources like yourself can understand that. I expect you've made many an enemy just with what you own."

He giggled drunkenly. "And you don't even know the half of it." He put his arm around Klaus as the two got their drinks. "You see, Nik, I have spent several lifetimes building a company devoted to shattering the very limits of what is possible. I have some of the most brilliant minds in the world developing technologies that you couldn't imagine."

"With Alexis as your crowning achievement, no doubt," said Klaus, clinking his shot glass together with Beatrix's before they both drank. "The single cure to the most terrifying threat of all— the unknown. Speaking of which... Perhaps we should go pay your seer another visit? See if anything has snapped into focus in regards to that mysterious threat against us. That way, Beatrix can bear witness herself and... double-check things, if you will."

Noticing the slightly uncomfortable look on Lucien's face, Klaus grinned devilishly. "If, that is, you're prepared to share your resources."

Lucien held up another shot of tequila and nodded slowly. "Of course! Her visions are our greatest chance for survival. I only regret I didn't suggest it myself..."

"Perfect," said Beatrix, not drinking her second shot. She stood and brushed down her skirt. "Shall we go, then? And preferably in a car, assuming you have one, pretty boy."

Lucien stood, and offered her his arm. "Of course, darling. Assuming Nik wouldn't mind. It's a bit of a... tight fit."

"So, I sit on your lap then," said Beatrix nonchalantly. "After all, we've got no secrets between the three of us, so there's no reason we can't get cozy."

The shy look on his face just confirmed Beatrix and Klaus's initial suspicions. Lucien was hiding something but he was playing it off as casually as he could.

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