Chapter 20

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Rebekah's condition practically worsened overnight, and Beatrix was shaken awake very unceremoniously by Klaus.

"What the fuck is happening," she mumbled sleepily, still not even fully conscious.

"Get up, and hurry," he said, looking angry. "She's lost it. Tried to attack Hope just now, and she's kidnapped Davina and several other witch children. Up! Before I pull you up myself."

"Jeez, let me open my eyes," she said, stumbling up and quickly starting to get ready.

"Meet me downstairs," said the hybrid gruffly before speeding out of the room. The Heretic groaned and quickly got dressed and cleaned up before darting down to where Klaus and Freya were gazing at the painting of Rebekah on the wall.

"Finally," huffed Klaus, glad to not be alone with Freya anymore. "Now, you said that you could put Rebekah back in her original body. Do it. Beatrix will assist you."

The blonde laughed in amusement. "So, you've come to your senses?"

"My senses have not faltered— they still demand that you are not to be trusted," Klaus clarified. "However, circumstance dictates otherwise.... For now. Eva Sinclair has resumed control of her body, leaving Rebekah trapped and powerless. So make with your spells and enchantments and put my sister back in her true body!"

Freya sighed in frustration. "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"More stalling," said Klaus darkly. "Very well. I know I can't kill you, but I shall have a fine time trying. Tell me, have you ever been skinned alive?"

"I think what she means is that it won't be as simple anymore," said Beatrix worriedly.

"Exactly," agreed Freya. "When I offered to help, Rebekah was in control of Eva's body. She's lost inside Eva. I don't have a spell that could breach Eva's mind and find her."

"Well, fortunately for you, I know someone well-versed in such spells," said Klaus. He walked over to a wooden box he had set on one of the outdoor chairs and opened it, speeding over to Freya and slapping some shackles onto her before she could react. He cast her a wicked smirk and beckoned for her and Beatrix to follow. "Let's go meet her, shall we?"

Of course, Beatrix knew exactly what to expect. But it sucked immensely for Klaus to not have given Freya any sort of heads up. They entered the Lyonne tomb, where Esther had previously had Elijah all tied up. Klaus beckoned the two women inside, looking very smug.

"I fail to see the need for these," said Freya when he didn't immediately remove the shackles. "I'm not your enemy."

"Oh, they're not to protect me, love!" he said cheerfully. "They're to protect her— the one who knows more about mind-invasion and body-jumping than all of us put together." He moved forward and tossed two blood bags into the darkest corner of the tomb. A hand reached out, and took the bags, gulping them down quickly and coming out into the very dim light. Freya immediately leapt back, but Klaus held her in place. "Mother? Freya. Freya? Mother. And you both have already met Beatrix."

Esther could care less that Beatrix was there. She stared up at her eldest in disbelief. "It... can't be," she whispered.

"You won't trust me, but you'll trust her?" Freya snarled, staring back at Klaus.

The hybrid shook his head. "I trust my mother about as much as I would a stuck snake. Fortunately, she is now a vampire, and as such, she's vulnerable to my compulsion." He moved forward and grabbed Esther by the face. "You will answer me truthfully." Pleased with himself, he yanked her toward Freya. "There! Now at least everything that comes out of her wretched mouth will be honest. Let's raid Mommy Dearest's mind for spells, shall we?"

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