Chapter 31

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They hadn't been able to film before the others came back.

"Damn," said Kai, setting the camcorder down quickly as they heard the truck pull up outside. "Time to get cloaked."

They put the spell back up just as Bonnie and the blond boy entered the house, holding crossbows and what appeared to be guns, though considering how they appeared to be vampire weapons, Beatrix guessed that the bullets were likely vervain-darts.

"She's gonna kill us," said Bonnie as she beckoned for the boy to follow her down to the cellar.

"I thought the whole point of this is that we were in control of her," said the boy, furrowing his eyebrows. Kai and Beatrix shared a look and started to walk behind them.

"Not Lily, Caroline," said Bonnie. "The wedding starts in an hour!"

The boy just shrugged. "All we have to do is knock her ass out and drag her to the boiler room. Thirty minutes, tops."

They made it to the basement, and found that the cell door was open, since, of course, Kai had let Lily out not long ago. "Um... Bonnie?" said the boy worriedly.

Bonnie walked into the cell and looked around. "Enzo must have let her out," she said angrily, pulling other phone. "I have to warn everyone."

"Not on our watch," muttered Kai, lunging forward, still invisible, and wrapping his palm hard around the boy's throat, making him croak and gasp.

Bonnie whirled around. "Matt? Matt, what's wrong?"

Matt let out a hoarse gasp as Kai kept squeezing his throat. "I can't breathe," he wheezed, his face turning red. "It's like someone is crushing my throat."

"Ooh, what a pity," said Kai in a snarky tone as Matt sank down. The siphon followed him down, still holding him firmly as the blond desperately clawed at his hand.

"Okay, just hang on," said Bonnie quickly. "I'll—"

Beatrix dove forward and grasped her throat before she could think to cast a spell. Bonnie croaked as her eyes bulged. Behind them, Matt had already passed out, and Kai let him go, letting up the spell for Bonnie to see him and Beatrix. It made her eyes widen even more, and she raised her hand weakly before going limp in Beatrix's hold.

"Haven't choked someone like that in awhile," Beatrix mused. "Felt kinda nice." She glared down at where Bonnie's throat was still pulsating, trying to bring oxygen to her brain. "You know what... I'm going to grab a little snack."

She sank down beside the unconscious Bennett witch and brought out her fangs, sinking them into Bonnie's throat and beginning to drink, groaning in satisfaction.

"Just don't drain her," Kai reminded her as he leaned against the wall looking pleased. "We need her alive to link her to Elena."

Beatrix made sure not to kill her, as much as she wanted to, in that moment. After a small moment, she let go, licking her lips clean. Kai moved down with the vial of Bennett blood from the prison world and put it next to where blood was seeping out of Bonnie's neck, gathering some more blood before capping the vial.

"Shall we go upstairs and film our snippet?" he said, smirking as he offered Beatrix his arm.

"Certainly," she said. "And once we're done, I'll feed you my blood."

They made it back to the living room and found the camcorder where they'd left it. Beatrix reached for the stack of post-its on the table and found a pen, scribbling 'Watch Me!' and adding a smiley face before pasting it on top of the device, making Kai grin.

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