Chapter 16 Console

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Aadhya start wearing that necklace everyday.

Aadhya pov

Jimin and I both are at the rooftop. We were enjoying the view.
My phone rang...
Di- " where are you??come to my hotel room as fast as possible".

I – "okay"

We both went to di.

After finishing di's work we both went to one room for rest.

I am  quite hungry so I leave Jimin alone in the room.
After sometime When I came ,  I found Jimin is talking with someone. I stand outside and listen to the conversation.
Jimin father Pov

 I'm searching for Jimin but I don't know where he is. So I went to see all rooms.

I found that from one room that girl is going outside, so i  went inside the room.  I found him.

I –" you are dumb but this much I don't know about that. how can you roaming around with that Arrogant girl...... that's why I like Tae,  he's  amazing boy, since childhood he is good in studies and now see he is  getting married with rich girl but look at you , first Riya and now that arrogant poor girl....."

Jimin- "dad you misunderstood me . she is just my friend."

I – " Jimin Don't act stupid. I know everything. I was ignoring these things first it doesn't mean , I did not know.... you were always a weak child... Always wanted a girl  to support you.... I'm ashamed of you Jimin.... seriously......."

I left the room.

Aadhya pov

I heard all the conversation.....first I get surprised but now I am just feeling bad for Jimin....... now I understood Why Tae and Jimin never have a good relation....

Jimin pov
 I listen all the shit , which my father said and he leave after that but these words are like stab on me.

Aadhya came........

I– "don't worry about me.... I'm just fine.... Now I  used to these words.... ." i just smiled.
She hugged me

Aadhya – "Jimin You can cry... please don't hide your pain from me, I'm always here for you...."

Jimin – ( The words she said consoled me , it make me feel like, I'm at home. I can share everything to her....i am trying to not to cry for a long time but now i want to stop it.)

Aadhya pov

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Aadhya pov

 suddenly I feel my shoulder are wet,  I realized Jimin is crying ,  he cry a lot.... he cried with his full frustration.(he is hiding alot of things inside.he always laugh...he is in happy mood most of the time...he always smile but all these were fake....these all things were just to hide his pain....he is crying just like a small boy and i want to protect him with all my heart)

 after some minutes

 I realized he stop crying then, I broke the  hug, I found he fell asleep..... I lie him on the bed and cover him up with a blanket..... his eyes  are still red... he cried a lot.

 I leave him for a good sleep.

 1 hour later

Jk came to me.

Jk-" do you know, where is Jimin. We all have to go.

I – " yes i know ,he's sleeping.... I'll wake him after some hours. First you guys leave."

Jk left.
After 3 hour

I went to Jimin's for waking him up.

(he still sleeping and showing a baby face)

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(he still sleeping and showing a baby face)

I –"Jimin wake up!!!! we have to leave....."

Jimin – (Rubbing his eyes and yawning. )what time is this
I – "forget time....just come... we have to leave, all your side people already left....we have to leave now."

Jimin – " Aadhya come here."he looking me with his puppy eyes.

I sat on the bed near him.

He hug me...we were so close at that time that I can hear his heart sound.(dhak! dhak!)

 Jimin – "thanks I truly need to cry at that time

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 Jimin – "thanks I truly need to cry at that time."

I – " it's alright....."
I tried to break the hug....

Jimin – " just for one minute more. I want to be in my best friend embrace. "

 I blushed...he is so close to me...

after 5 minutes

 we broke the hug..

I – " by the way you look ugly when you cry..."

Jimin – " you always look ugly whether you cry or not...."

I – " ohhh but Jk said I am beautiful."

Jimin – " he have some eyes problem....forget him...🤣🤣"

I – " shut up!"

We both laugh and left the hotel room.

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