Chapter- 30 He is mine

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Author pov

I forget to tell you that.......when Aadhya and Jimin slept last night. Jimin noticed a necklace in Aadhya's was that necklace which Jimin gave her...she promised that, she is going to wear that necklace always.....

After one week

Aadhya pov

Last week, I and Jimin both were busy lot. We don't spend much time with each other.

Around three to four days,Jimin  and I slept in my bed.... it feels so good in is embrace...the worst thing happened last week is that ,I met Julie......I hate her, she's a bitch. she always tried to get close to Jimin....she is so clingy with him... Milan is so good...... he's one of my good friend here...but, I think,Jimin don't like him..... I don't know why?

 I just hate Julie....


 I'm sitting with Milan and eating my lunch.

 Priya came.(she's coworker with me here)

Priya – Aadhya, Milan you know! I think there is something going on  between Jimin and Julie.

I-what the hell? ( I'm hating this conversation)

Priya- yes ,Addhya...Julie told us that, She and Jimin Sir went to lunch yesterday.

We both get shocked.

"I have to go now, but if you guys find any gossip...... just tell me okay....."

Milan- "Yeah...Sure..."

She left

I-"she's lying Right?!"

Milan- " yes! Maybe"

I-"yeah, she's lying, I know Jimin's  standard.....he's not gonna fall for her....."

 Milan – " yes, but if she fall, then also it doesn't matter..... why you worrying over this...."

I-"I know,  he's is not gonna fall for sure....  and I'm just worried because-  because  he doesn't tell me about this.......we doesn't keep secrets with each other"

Milan – "I don't know but this statement is sound like, you are assuring yourself"

I-   " It'not like that, just forget it..... eat your lunch"



 I - are you going home with me tonight?...
Jimin -   No, I'm busy today so you go...... I'm not coming our home tonight......

I took my bag and left the office.

I am at parking area.

I saw, Julie is going out with someone, some Male..... and I looked closely, it is Jimin.........I hate this, Tomorrow  is my birthday and he's going with this bitch.......( maybe he's going for meeting...... Addy stop overreacting...)

I went home.

 At 12 am

My phone start ringing with calls and texts, everyone is wishing me birthday but I'm waiting for one wish which is obviously from Jimin....

I think he forget or maybe he's asleep............ it's okay he's going to wish me in morning.

I wake up and saw all the text message and call but no one is from Jimin...... I feel sad.
I went to office.

Those who know ,all start wishing me in office.

(Everyone remember my birthday but my own best friend ,doesn't remember it.... I hate him)

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