Chapter 32 I love him

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Aadhya pov
I wake up. I had a headache because of hangover.

I looked at the room,Jimin is no where.he left but why???

Now i remembered, what happen last night.

I get happy for a second.

I-"SHIT! I kissed him. We are only friends...........Why the hell i can't can't control my feelings."

"But he kissed me back.Why????"

"Maybe he is drunk too,or  maybe he have feeling for me." I get exited by this thought..

"But he left..........maybe he was in regret, that he kissed me......maybe he doesn't like kissing me or he is ashamed of himself"

"Yaa Aaddy, he left because, he is regretting, he doesn't like me..." i get upset.....

"what if he asked me, why i kissed him.......

We can get awkward by this kiss, it can ruin our friendship....Shittt i have to do something.....

"Yess Addy, this is the right idea, I have to do this  it can protect our freindhsip."

Jimin pov

I wake up, i want to go to Addy, but i am afraid, how can i faced him....
My phone rang.

Addy-" know, i have a headache, and  tell me, why you are not here,last night, i remembered that you bought me home........"

I-"yes, actually, i had a to do some  urgent work and actual-"

Addy-"by the way, Jimin, did i do something, last night?"

I-"Wh-what do yo-you mean?"

Addy-" i mean Did i vomit last night.....I, doesn't remember anything. The last thing i remembered is that you take me home, after that everything is blank....Did i does something, dumb type?"

( how can she, forget that beautiful moment of us.... i am happy and sad too...... i am happy, because,our friendship is safe now but sad because....i want her, to remember our first kiss.....)

I-"No, Nothing happened last night. You fall asleep, just after i dropped you..."

Addy-"That's good, now Bye, i ll meet you at the office."

She came, she is looking, ravishing as always....and that jucy lips.....(Stop! Jimin Stop thinking about that kiss again and again....)
I am doing my, work but still that kiss, coming again and again in my mind......I want to kiss her again.....i am really trying hard, to control my pervert mind......Honestly, i get little awkward.....


Jimin-"Addy , Let's go!"

I-"Why?you were coming home tonight?"

Jimin-"Tomorrow is Holiday, so i want to watch Conjuring, movie tonight with you"

I-"it's a good idea. Let's go"

I am trying to stay away from him, so that i can control my feelings,but here, he  want to spend night with me...
We were watching a movie, i sit away from him.
After  1 hour

I looked at side, shit i am in Jimin's embrace, now i realized , that by every horror scene,  i get more closed to him. FUCKKKK!

I get away from him.

Horror scene

I hugged him again.

I-"Jimin, i am sleepy, i am going to bed"

Jimin-"but it only 11"

I-"yes, i know, but i am going."

He get upset........but i have to do this...i have to protect our friendship.
I went to bed, after a while Jimin came in bed too.
Stop staring like an owl and sleep Aadhya......You were jet lagged for god's sake!
It's been two hours, and my brain is still sleep deprived. While on the other side, Jimin's even breathing and his peaceful sleeping form is burning me with jealousy.
I too want to sleep!

Picking up my phone I opened Instagram but the God damn internet is on snail's speed!
Frustrated, I slammed back my phone and turned on my side.
He is really very handsome.
His dark brown bed hair messed up on his forehead looks damn inviting for me to brush my hand through them. Thick eyebrows, dark and long eyelashes unmoving and stable. His beautiful lips...which taste delicious.......i want to kiss him again.......

No! For him, you are still his friend......"

I hate this fact....
I moved to my side and tried to sleep again,with disappointed mood.

Next morning

Why my bedsheet is so hard???

My bedsheet had abs??

I opened my eyes,and found myself in the top of Jimin.......He is sleeping peacefully,he is on his side like a good boy....and here i am the one, who came his side and even lying on top of him.
He is so handsome.....He is so caring for me, he supports me......
I looked at him....
I must say, i have high choice is damm handsome.......
I really love him so much......
I just want that moment to pause....i want to be with him, everyday,every minute, every second...... he is my lifeline....

I moved my fingers on his face.....and then i kissed him......
"Shit!!!!! Not again...."
"I do it again"

I went up and move to hall....

"I have to stop my feelings at any cost, otherwise it will ruin our friendship"

"I have to stay away from him"
"I think this work"
Jimin pov

I wake up, Aadhya is no where, maybe she is in hall.
I get up and went to washroom.
Today we both have to go to Lunch to my house. Anshika di Invites Addy.....
I am brushing and she is here, brushing too...

I-"Get ready fastly"

Addy nodded and stare at me.

I-"What!Why are you blushing????.........What you are thinking????You dirty girl!!"

Addy- "Don't flatter yourself! I am not blushing,its my morning glow"

I hold her hand and pulled her towards me.....

I-"Now you are glowing more than before, now also it is your morning glow...........i am handsome,you have to agree on this..."

She pushed me and hide her face with towel and moves out from bathroom....

(I love teasing her.....she is getting shy with me....i love the fact  that, my touch  is affecting friend is gorgeous....)
She is getting ready inside the room, i am watching tv.

Someone knock the door.

It was a delivery boy,he gave me a packet.i opened it, it is Sofa-Cum bed

Addy-"Why are you shouting?what happened?"

I-"Why did you order this? Is sleeping with me make you uncomfortable?"

(I am disappointed, i want to share bed with her, everyday, everynight but here she purchased Bed.)

Addy-"Why are you making , such a big thing on this, why it is bothering you?"

I-"Just answer my question "

Addy-"No , it is not making me uncomfortable, it's just,you and i are friends, and friends not share bed"

I said mockingly "yes you are right.....It doesn't matter"

I left the house.

Aadhya pov

He said it doesn't matter but still he left me, Sometime, it feels he like me, sometimes he not......

I want to know his feeling, it suffocates me, my feelings are getting deep by every moment and here he, is acting like he doesn't care.....

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