Chapter 19 Is I am somebody to you?

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Jimin have to go there at 8 pm but he hung up the call at 7 pm.

Aadhya pov

It was 10 pm, I am checking my Phone for Jimin 's text but he doesn't text me till yet.....
(Yaa I am little jealous but I am happy more because finally Jimin is getting his true love.)

11 pm
I am worried ,why he is not texting.( maybe they were doing something)

12 pm
Now I am very worried because I know jimin, whatever happen he answer or text me for sure.

1 am
I am very concerned about him. I am calling him again and again but he is not picking up the call.

2 am
I am feeling bad, nervous fearful, all the bad thoughts were coming in my mind. I am just trying to ignore them but it's not working.

 I am just trying to ignore them but it's not working

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6 am
I am not sleepy at all. I try to call him all night. I did not even lie on my bed for a second.. Still he is not responding to my call, so I decided to call Anshika di because at this time she is the best option.....

I call her.

Aadhya –"Di j-Jimin is not picking the any chance do you know where he is and why he is not answering, I am very worried about him..."

Di- "A-a -Aadhya come here as fast as possible."( di voice is like she is crying.)

Aadhya- "Di what happened? Is anything w- wrong there?(My voice is now start trembling)"

Di- "Don't ask me just come here it's just jimin need you here........I ll send you the tickets."

Aadhya –"Okay di"

I just take cab and move for airport with in a half an hour.

My parents know all my situation so they don't ask me anything.

 it takes one hour to get in Jimin town.( one hour is like 100 hours for me, I tried to don't cry at whole time....I'm angry very frustrated, fearful, I'm just trying to control myself.....)
 when I went outside, cabs is there ,which Di booked...
 I get in and he drive me to hospital.....seeing hospital make me cry or I can't stop my emotions at all.....tears start falling down.... it was like I'm dying, I'm shivering....

 I went inside to the hospital...

 Di came and said "Jimin tried to commit suicide, he cut his wrist and now he's out of danger but still his situation is not good at all... he need you " ( it break my heart ,I was shocked )

I went to Jimin's  room and I saw him he's lying in the bed with frustrate look.....

I went to Jimin's  room and I saw him he's lying in the bed with frustrate look

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I go inside looked at him and slap him... it was a loud and painful slap...

I start scolding him in a loud voice.

"Are you fucking dumb, idiot, how dare you to commit suicide........ " I started crying all emotional were coming out suddenly....  " you - you tell me everything small to small thing, you share everything with me,  asked me ridiculous question all the time,but this huge step you take without even telling me........... Is I'm somebody to you how can you do this........ do you once think about me and your family what will we do if you die, how can we survive without you...... The only think which now matter to you is that Bitch.... the girl which don't love you...... and we all love you ,support you are nothing.....  ( I'm saying this but my voice is breaking)
Do you have one percent   idea how much I get worried, how I manage myself, it was like I am dying....

 I break into a lot of tears and I hug him ....

"you dumb don't do this again otherwise I'll beat you I'll never talk to you again"

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"you dumb don't do this again otherwise I'll beat you I'll never talk to you again"

He hug me back and start crying....

When I am saying all the things, Jimin is staring at me all the time with guilt and painful eyes...

When I am saying all the things, Jimin is staring at me all the time with guilt and painful eyes

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Jimin – "Addy, What should I do at that time, she left know she is my everything.....the only thing which matters to me at that time is Riya.....i really really love was like I can't live  without her...i am feeling like everything  get finished.....that's why I take that step...but now I realized I am wrong,  i am sorry...i promise  I never do this Again....i am sorry ...i am really sorry...."

We both cry for a long time but we did not break the hug.....

After 15 minutes

We both were sobbing....He wipe my tears and I wipe his....

Both of are eyes were red...
I saw a food plate beside his bed, so I take it and give it to him.

He said No.

I order him to eat with angry look and said " Eat it, or otherwise I ll never forgave you."

Finally he took a bite from food.

Author pov
Hii don't judge jimin's and Aadhya character...they both were doing there perfect job....Jimin really loves Riya a lot...
And Aadhya slap him...because She is worried...

You know what,I am dying to write this chapter....this was one of the most turning phase of my story...i still can't believe, that I wrote it...

Thanks for reading this you...😍😍😍

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