Chapter 20- Medicine

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Jimin father pov

I am at my office when my phone Rang.

" Sir, Jimin Sir cut his wrist, he's in hospital come here as soon as possible......"

 I went there. My son is in ICU, doctor seeing him....... I'm very worried, I love him but I never tell him about it.I can't lose him....

 After 4 hour of struggle doctor came.

Jimin is out of danger, the cut is not so deep otherwise it will be a problem.....but we have to put him under observation for some hours.

 After 1 hour.

Jimin wake up the first word, he said, "Riya, don't leave me..... I can't live without you...."

  He opened his eyes ,he saw us.... me, Tae, Anshika and Mr. Raman too. He ignore all of us.

 he had tears in his eyes.
Anshika give him food.

 he said "I don't want to live, why you save me, I don't want it..... just leave me..." he shout again and again. "leave me ,I don't want to live"...
 seeing your son in this situation is so heartbroken that, it can't be explained through words..

 We were with him when the Arrogant girl came ,now I know her name " Aadhya " she has tear in her eyes ,she has disgust and angry look ......

she came inside, she's only seeing Jimin ........for her it was like We were invisible..
 She came inside and slap him, I tried to go to her but Anshika stop me with her hand, she give me it's okay look with her eyes and she grab my hand and take me to outside.

 I am seeing from door small window.....

 they were crying, my son is finally telling everything to her. I feel relaxed .he ate food...( I must say she have  something..... from today incident I realised one thing ,she is the medicine for my son... he's finally eating food....)

 They holding each other hand and  trying to console each other.....

Aadhya pov

Jimin and I ,we both were talking with each other ,when Jimin rubed his cheek ,it was totally red and there is a sign of my slap on his cheek.....

 Jimin- " it was very painful slap..."
 Aadhay – " i know ,but you deserve it..."
Jimin –"  fine yes I agree, i deserve it, but Addy ,did you saw my family face ,when you slap me...."
Aadhya –" your family" (now I realised ,they were in the room and I slap him in front of them and even I use abusive language, Shit..... my impression!!!!!)

 Aadhya – " now Jimin, you have to take some rest, now sleep...."

 Jimin lie down.

Jimin – "Addy, please ,don't go back to your town at least for some days.."

Aadhya –" I'm not going, I promise.... now sleep"

He closed his eyes ,I Rub his head slowly. I can see, his tears were falling.... After sometime he fell asleep.
I came outside from the room and I saw Anshika Di and Tae... she asked me "is Jimin, alright" ,I said "yeah now he's fine." I ask her " Di,by any chance, you know where is my phone and my other stuff, because At that time, I was in a hurry, that I did not even realized that I did not take my stuff inside."

 she said "yes I know, I called the driver and asked him to put all the other things in our house..... it takes time for Jimin to wake up again, it's better you go and get some sleep... and at least fresh up, because I know you were tired too......

I nodded and I went to house....

 I'm doing all my things, when I hear someone knocked my door.
 I saw him and he was Jimin's father, I was so shocked and  I look at him, he came closer to me and he says

"I want to talk to you so today I'm inviting you for dinner"

 I nodded.

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