Chapter 36- Propose

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Aadhya pov
I am working in the office. I saw bracelet on my arm.
We purchased couples bracelets for us, This was Jimin's idea.

I am playing with the necklace......I want to see him,but i have to wait, he is in meeting and i can't interfere in that.

Last night we decided that we were gonna hide our relationship bcause of media.Jimin is one of the successful bachelor in India, so dating can become problem for him and for company too.
Meeting finished

I decided to go to his cabin, after finishing my work.

I am fully concentrating on my work.

Priya-"Addy,you know what is going to happen today" she said exitedly.

I-"What?"I  am not interested in her conversation.

Priya-"Toodayyyyy, today, today, Julie is going to propose Jimin"


priya-" yeah, she told me that, she also told me that, after meeting she gonna close to him, kiss him and propose him...

it is good right"

(Meeting is already finished, it mean...Ahhhh)

I hurriedly went to his cabin, ignoring, Priya's question.

I opened the door and went inside.

I saw Jimin is blowing in the Julie's eye. And she is starring at him with other eye.

I pushed Julie and came between them.

I glared at him.

I-"I told you before, to stay away from him,Why are so clingy"

Julie-"who the hell are you, to tell me this"

I-"I am his girlfriend" Jimin is smiling with my confession.

Julie-"I don't believe you"

I -"Fine"

I turned grabs Jimin's tie, pulled it and kissed him. He hold my waist and deepened the kiss.

I broke the kiss and looked at Julie.
She has degusted looked.

She is going out.

I-"Julie, now stay away from him and yes, don't tell anything about our relationship to office people and if you did, then i am gonna make sure, to make you pay for it."

She nodded and left.

I turned to him. He is still smiling.

Jimin-"Jealous are we??"

I-"Yes, and what you doing with her??"

Jimin-"I am just blowing her eyes, she told me that, something was in her eyes, so i am helping her"He said innocently.

I-"Why you were so good, See Darling, this world is too cruel, don't trust anybody so easily and yes stay away from her....otherwise i ll give you punishment."

He said teasingly, "what punishment?"

I-"I ll show you, I connect my lips from his and start kissing him, but when he is about to respond, i broke the kiss."

"Ahhhhhhhh" He said irritatedly.
I gave him smirk.

I-"If you doesn't listen to me, that you have to bear this feeling for 3 days".

I smiled and turned to move out.

Suddenly he grabbed my hand and crashed me in the wall.
He hold my waist, now our faces our just inch apart.

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