Chapter 17 - I found you

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Marriage is finished...

Aadhya pov

After party we all friends were in the hotel, I and Jimin came outside.

 Hotel is in on the mountains so the view is beautiful and quiet.

Jimin is very happy. We were laughing with each other but I realizes that it was his fake smile so, I ask " how are you" he said " I'm totally fine"
I said " I know you are not fine"

 he said " that's why I hate best friends because they can see the truth and pain behind your smile when,you were fooling everyone else. he smiled.

 I – " sometimes it's better to tell your pain to other... for even your own sake and here in your case, I want to know..... Jimin it hurts me, when you don't tell me about your pain...... you and I are best friends and I really mean it.... I cannot see you in that condition. please tell me"

 he nodded and said " I, Tae , Anshika di and Riya we all were childhood besties. Tae and di were in upper class. Tae is my cousin so I'm very close to him but my father don't like that I have close friends... he want a child who's good in studies have amazing business mind and amazing in everything but I'm not........ he always compared me from Tae, that's why I start hating him. I thought he's because my father don't love me....he is the reason for everything...... my mother died when I am just 10 years old, she is only one person who praise me...
 after my mother's death, Riya came in my life, she completed me, she consoled me, support me, she care for me, she is only one who made me happy that's why I love her....... she's amazing .....she's with me at the time when no one is there... she got changed I know, you don't like her because she got change of her modelling career otherwise she's superb... my first love and I think last....."

he is smiling with his last line..

.( now i understood why he love her, i am really grateful to Riya to be with him at a time, when no one there with him..but still i hate her....)

Jimin – "You know, I pretend that I don't care about my father words, but it hurt a lot ....honestly at that time, I really need someone to care for me, support  me and there I found you in that moment..."

 we just talk and chat all night. next day I leave for Mumbai ( my home town).
Author pov

Aadhya and Jimin, bond gets stronger day by day, it's been two months since they met but they talk  daily with each other, they tell everything, as small matter or big... They talk two to three hours a day but then also this time was not enough for them....
Jimin- Hii Aadhya, How are you?
Aadhya "Fine"
Jimin – "Is something's happen ?? Why your voice is so low..."

Aadhya tell him what happend...

Aadhya start crying...

" j jimin, I miss you...I want to hug you today....My mother scold me a lot, she think I am unworthy child....I can't do anything...My voice is loud, so she always treat me like I am bad. They always think I do whatever is wrong...they never trust me..they thought I never do any hard work.......I want to hug you....I really wish you are here....ahhhhhh...".

Jimin - she is crying( i know she have some family issues. She always want to go away from her family. I really wish, if we can see each other more frequently)
Jimin consoled Aadhya...and they hung the call.

After 2 days...
Aadhya pov

I am outside the college with Sid and Hena. We all are talking with each other. When Hena told me to look behind.

I looked back.

It was Jimin. I saw him and start running towards him, i jump and hug him. He hold me tightly. He is so tall that my feet are totally in air.

Jimin pov

She is missing me, I too miss her, so I decided to go to her college and gave her surprise...she have a beautiful reaction. I get surprised when she hug feels so good....

After some time. I greet Hena and Sid...I know them because Aadhya always told me about them, and because of their bond. I get closed with them too.

(Hena is a nice girl, she is Aadhya's good friend and Sid.....hmmmm.. he is also good and actually much more than good for Aadhya...Aadhya and Sid bond were very strong and I don't like it, I have my reason like he is always close to Aadhya, he can meet her anytime, Aadhya tell her everything first to him then me. She is too comfortable with him and her comfortability made me uncomfortable.)

We all four decided to go, somewhere so.

Sid- "let's go to Aadhya's favorite place."

Aadhya-"Sid wow buddy,  that was an amazing idea."
Everyone start moving but not me..

Me- "What is your favorite place?( i feel bad, I'don't even know her favorite place...)"

Sid- "Fantastico"

We order our food.

 Jimin- " take this and eat it"

 Aadhya- "sure. Give me"
When she is about to grab it to eat, Sid take Samosa away from her hand.

Sid – "Aadhya you dumb girl and Jimin, you don't even know she is allergic to corn.. it will be very dangerous for her...... you both  talk whole day and you don't even know a little thing about her man, I'm really impressed"

Jimin- " yes, I don't know anything about  her but listen, she's my best friend  you stay out of this, I can handle her."

 Sid- "oh first she's my best  friend and you don't even know her like dislike."

Jimin – "  i know you are very important for her but I am the only one and only best friend of her, you're only her friend.....understood.."

Sid- "Jimin yo-"

she cut his words...
Aadhya- "Shut up Guy's, Do you think we were shooting K dramas, why you both were fighting over a small thing."

Hena – "yes she is right and Sid i want to talk to you, let's go."

Sid and hena left..

Remaining Time , I and Jimin spend with each other.
Author pov

Jimin and Aadhya gave each other a name....
Aadhya name are Addy Aadhu, pervert, handbag, clumssy etc etc....
Jimin are Dumbo, Jim , Pig head, dumb head, brainless creature, bad choice...
They were on call.

Jimin- "so when i wi-"
Aadhya interrupted him..
Aadhya – "Jimiiiiiiiiiin here in front of me..there is a very hot man is standing he is so handsome..."

Jimin – "Ahhh I am just talking and you are stalking other guy..."

Aadhya – "So, what , I am listening as well as starring , I can do both work at a time...."

Jimin – " Fine, send me his pic...i want to know how good your taste.."

Aadhya send him the pic..

Jimin – "Ewwww how can you call this guy handsome...I am better than him."

Aadhya – "Don't compare your ugly face with him...."

Jimin – "See who is talking about ugly face...."

Aadhya.- "hahaha.".fake laugh.

Jimin - " by the way Addy, do you remember when you got drunk, first time and you call me handsome"

Aadhya – "Yes I remember.."

Jimin – " that was first and last time, when you call me handsome and smart..."
She laughs.

Jimin – "I always send you my pic..but your answer is..not bad, good , fine... you know i hate you for this...."

Aadhya – "Aww liittle baby...but I like you for this my bestie..."

We both laugh...

Author pov
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