Chapter 13 Surprise...

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Aadhya pov
I woke up...ahhhh my head was so much hurting my body....ahhhhhh
I get up and saw jimin was in my room, at my bed....ahhhh
Jimin- "Why are you shouting am i ghost to u???"

I- "What are you doing in my room??"

Jimin – "Oohhh now you pretend you don't remember anything."

I- "What! seriously  I don't."

Jimin- "Aadhya how can you forgot our intense kisses our intense hug...oooo when i touch you...wowwwww and we wer"

I – "Shupt up jimin. Tell me what did i do last night."( my head was hurting and now he is like this...)

Jimin- "Why you are not believing me. I am saying the truth. You want to do many things last night......and if still you are not believing me look at your clothes."
(My clothes are actually different from last night.)

I- "I don't remember what happen last night but i know you are lying."

Jimin – "No I am not"

I – "Yes you are"

Jimin – "No, How can you tell this."

I – "Because- beacuse I trust you... I know you were never gonna hurt me......"(i spoke shyly)

Jimin – "Hmmm....... satisfactory answer you are right..Nothing happen between us.I am here for a meeting with uncle, than i come to look for you then this idea come in my mind...Maid changed your clothes.....You puke last night...... I have to take care of you......
And Yes.......always remember,..You can drink alcohol only when I am around you....
(He said last line in very serious tone.)

I-"Sorry for inconvenience and I will always remember this....Thanks Jimin..."😄😄😄😄
I smiled and Jimin left my room.

Author pov
Sorry! What you all are imagined is nothing happen between them.....😂😂😂

I updated this chapter because i don't want my readers to die with curiosity...😋😋😋😋🤭🤭🤭

Thanks for reading this....I ll update next chapter soon......

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