Chapter 24 Gorgeous

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Jimin pov

 I wake up early, so I decided to go to Addy's room.

she's sleeping and her position always get changed in sleep. she's sleeping on the blanket.

 I slightly rub her wound but suddenly she grabbed my waist in sleep. I tried to get out from her grip but her sleep is getting disturbed, so I decided to remain  in that posture.

 I tried to get out from her grip but her sleep is getting disturbed, so I decided to remain  in that posture

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 I rub her head and she get more close to me. I can feel her breath on my waist. I looked all her face feature....... tiny closed eyes, slightly red cheek, mole on the upper right side of a lip and her red petal like lips.........(this was my first time, I see her all feature so closely. no doubt she's gorgeous .......)

( I remember last night,'s incident.....The innocent Addy became wild kitten....i get blushed...)

 suddenly somebody knocked the door.

 I looked and there is Anshika di..... she's smiling. I blushed more.....

 I stand up from the bed.
 Aadhya wake up...

 Aadhya –"good morning Di ! good morning Dumbo!"
 We both greeted her.

Addy is she still yawning......

 Di- " Aadhya Get up...its late and Both of you come downstairs for breakfast...."

We both left her room.

Aadhya pov

I do all my morning routine and went downstairs in dining room but Jimin is not there so, I get in his room

I – " Jiminnnnnnnnnnnnnn"

 Jimin – " yes miss, how can I help you?"

I – " let's go downstairs for breakfast.... I am very hungry"

 Jimin- " you go, I don't want to do breakfast"

I-"why are you like kids...... 'no Mama I don't want to eat' i said in child voice...... just come with me."

 I grab his hand and dragged him to dinning room.
I sit on my chair and he sit on her.

all people came after couple of minutes.

 we start eating food.

Jimin father pov

After that incident, Jimin never ate food with all of us but he came downstairs today all because of aadhya. Honestly, now I'm getting a sort of relief because Now Aadhya is with him.

Aadhya pov

Di-"Aadhya! What is your plan for today??? Does you were going Anywhere?"

I-" Jimin and I, we're going to visit some place and then gaming zone.

Jimin – " I'm not going with you"

I-"Baby! you don't have other choice, I get this wound because of you, so you have to listen to me as a compensation....."( I said in a sarcastic way)

Jimin – "stop emotional blackmailing me..."

(I showed him puppy eyes....)

"Fine I'll lose....."

all people on the table laughed .

 we  get ready.

 we first went to church.

( I know, this place is pure and peaceful.... it help him to  forget his pain)

 then we went to the Jimin's mother grave...

 I-"hello auntie! I am Jimin's friend Aadhya.... I know you were worried about him, because of his behavior these days.....( Jimin is standing by my side and just looking at his mother gave listening to my words) but I'll tell you, you must be very proud of him... he had done mistakes but now he realized his mistake and now he doesn't do this again... right Jimin?"

Jimin – " right mum!!!! I'm very sorry for my mistakes and even sorry for not visiting you for a long period but now I promise.. I ll came more often here... please always give your blessing to me"
we went to gaming zone
 we play a lot of games (after so many months I saw that my Jimin is coming back he's fighting, laughing, teasing me just like he did before.......)

we do our dinner get in a room for sleep.

Author pov

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