Chapter 3 - What a Coincidence!

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Author pov

Aadhya's POV:

Anshika begins to explain the situation to me, acknowledging my fear and confusion. She reveals that her father is Mr. Raman Roy, and she shows me a photo of her twin sister, Shikha, who looks identical to me. It's as if we were twins separated at birth, with our faces being an exact match.

Anshika reveals that Shikha has run away from home because she refused to marry a man chosen by their father. They are desperately searching for her, but with only three days left until her father's announcement of a new partnership and Shikha's supposed wedding, they need a solution. Anshika proposes that I take Shikha's place for the day, and they would pay me one lakh for a week of impersonating her.

I am at a loss for words. I don't know what to say or how to react. On one hand, I am intrigued by the opportunity, especially considering the financial struggles I face. On the other hand, it feels like a lot of responsibility and potential complications. I decide to tell Anshika that I need to consult my parents before making a decision.

She agrees and hands me her phone. I call my father and explain the entire situation to him. It takes some convincing, but eventually, he gives his approval, albeit with lingering worries. Anshika speaks with my father, assuring him that I am safe and will be treated like family during my stay. She emphasizes the need for secrecy.

With my father's permission secured, I exit my room to explore the luxurious and stunning surroundings. After a short time, I return to my room, where Anshika and some maids bring me food. We sit together and have lunch while she explains the details of the upcoming party and how they will help me prepare. Finally, she returns my phone to me.

Curiosity gets the better of me, and I ask Anshika how they discovered my resemblance to Shikha and when they first realized it. She shares that her family had previously visited Mumbai, where they had come across me. Her father, being astute, had gathered information about me, sensing that they might need me someday. Little did they know that their prediction would come true so soon.

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