Chapter 31 First kiss

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Aadhya pov

We both are tired. Jimin went to washroom and to attend one important call.

I sat on the bench and thinking about......Why i get jealous for Jimin???

One lady sat beside me on the bench. She is our photographer,  Jimin hired her, so that ....he can save all our beautiful memory for us.

I watched the photos.

Roller coaster ride have our funniest photo...some photos are beautiful too like in one picture....

I am hugging him and he is smiling shyly.
She-" you both are such a perfect couple."


She-"Yes! Just look at the photos. Each and every picture conveying your care and support for each other."

she-"And Look this picture!How adorably you are starring at him.

Picture- Jimin starring at fireworks and Aadhya starring at him.

"Ohhh! I have a perfect caption For this."

 One looking at firework and others looking at her world.

She – "you really loved him.. right?"
I'm smiling all the time but at that moment I paused, and I, said.

I -"Yes, I love him... I really really love him"

(Now I got the answers of my all questions)

I saw him.

I run and hugged him.
Jimin- " what?"

 Jimin have some work, so he dropped me at home.
(I want to tell him that, I really love him at that moment..... but I know it is not the right time, I decided I'm gonna proposing him soon...)

I fell asleep

Next day
I wake up early and thinking how I'm gonna propose him.

My phone rang.

I-"hello !Hena... how are you babe?"

Hena-" A-Aadhya, A-Aadhya....I'm not fine, Sam and I broke up."


Hena-" We were not right for each other, we can't understand each other's feeling..... you know the worst part is  Sam and my friendship also got broke. we tried to maintain it, but we can't, after relationship you can't be friends anymore.... I lost my boyfriend and friend too"

 she cried a lot.

I consoled her I talked with her one hour.

I'm taking shower but my mind is still thinking about Hena's Word.  after relationship end ,you can't be friend anymore....... I can't stop my mind in connecting Sam and Henna  with me and Jimin.

They both were childhood friends.... but still their friendship broke because of relationship.

(What if, I proposed him and he denied,then what will happen to me.... what will happened to our friendship.... it was obvious that awkwardness came between us.... .
What if my friendship end?)

The promise i gave to Jimin's father came in mind....

"yes I promise, I will never let our friendship break. I never take any step which can affect our friendship."
I can't proposed him...It can affect our friendship. I can't proposed him.
First, I have to make sure he like me or not....
I went to office.

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