Chapter 21 Promise...

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I got surprised that Jimin's father invite me for dinner.

 I went to hospital.

 I went to Jimin's room and found he is not there,I got in panic, I searched him in bathroom but he is not there also......

 I start shouting "Jimin! Jimin! Jimin!".

I thought he was gone. (no I can't bear it again) tears start falling.....

 I went to outside the hospital room..." Jimin! Jimin! where are you Jimin....?"

 Tae –" Aadhya"

 I saw Jimin is with Tae. Tae is giving support to Jimin....... I saw Jimin and hug him.

Aadhya – "Jimin, where you go?"

Jimin – " Addy! I just went to outside  for my mind fresh...........Calm down"

Aadhya – " Sorry Actually I thought –"

Jimin pov

I put my finger on her mouth.

I - " sh sh sh! I know why you got panic,you don't have to explain it to me.........Addy, I promised you, I ll never repeat that mistake again"
( I seriously lost her trust, she get panicked because of me, I have to make her believe on me again.)

Addy- " I know and I can't loose you, dumbo.."

I – " You will never ever loose me Aaddy nor will I".

We all went to Jimin's Room.

Aadhya pov

I told Tae and Jimin that Uncle Ask me for dinner.

Jimin- "You don't need to go with that man"

I – " Shut Up! He is your father, don't speak in that language for him otherwise I 'll beat you."

Tae- "You are right Aadhya, You must beat him, if you need stick or scale just call me."

Jimin gave Tae mocking smile.
At evening

I get ready for dinner. I am quite nervous now because I don't know why he want to meet me.....

 I am thinking about all the bad deed which I do till yet...
I went there.

 I – " hello uncle"

Uncle- " Sit"

 I said down he asked me to order food but I am quite dumb in ordering food so he ordered.

 uncle- " I don't know how to beat around the bush. So I come directly to the point.
  I invite you to say thank really helped my son.........He need you at that morning I agree with him....... thanks and secondly,take this money ."

(He open up black suitcase which is full of money) "you just have to support my son always...... you never leave him and you always have to make him happy, you will never do anything which broke both of your friendship."

 I get silent for a second and think about this and I just laughed..

 he gave me a confused look.

I – " uncle you really love him so much, why don't you tell him..... he will appreciate it and even he need you more than me. he need your support more than mine. And  for money I don't need that.........Jimin and I are best friends. You say or not I'll always support him and yes I promise I will never let our friendship break. I never take any step which can affect our friendship."

I smiled he said "fine, but always remember your Promise.

I – " yes I will"

 our dinner end, and he went to home and I went the to hospital.
At late night

Jimin is on his bed and I am on mine while Tae is sleeping in sofa.

My eyes get opened..i am not sleepy and saw Jimin, He is still staring the ceiling.He is not sleepy at all.

I " you are not sleepy?"

Jimin - "No, not even a little, Addy lets go outside..."

I – " Fine, let's go"

He stand up and put his hand on my shoulder, and put his weight one me.i am giving him support.

Jimin – " Addy I just realized you were so short". He laugh.

I – " I am not short, you were so tall".

I give him teasing look.

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