Chapter 14 Nothing is important more than your smile.

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Above so beautiful...i don't know who draw this..but i am in love with this picture....

Today is Lady Sangeet..
( a/p In this function the bride and groom side ladies sing and dance a lot....nowadays in India, Both boys and girls dance in this function and enjoy a lot.)

Tae side people and Aadhya side people gather in a hall and dance alot

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Tae side people and Aadhya side people gather in a hall and dance alot.

Tae and Aadhya do a couple dance. They looked beautiful with each other...

All the youngsters do a group dance and enjoying the function a lot.

Aadhya pov

Function was going on, I noticed in the whole function, Jimin behavior is quite bad. He is not nicely talking with everyone . He is in bad mood all the time.
So i went there and stand behind him. I saw Jimin is calling Riya again and again, she is not answering him. He is even starring at the door. ( I want to ask him what happen, did she is upset because of me, but I don't feel that it was the right time, so i just let it go.)

Next day

Haldi Ceremony
( a/p In this ceremony,Turmeric powder , we put on Bride and groom. In Indian culture by this, groom and bride become beautiful and even Turmeric is a very good sign or custom in Indian religion.)

We all were wearing Yellow

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We all were wearing Yellow. We were waiting for haldi which come from groom side so that we can put this on Anshika di.

I saw Jimin came with Haldi. I and all the other girl went to him and take him inside the house. His mood is off today also.

I greeted him, he is talking with me nicely, but he is giving Angry glare to everyone. He is walking and accidentally one glass of Juice slipped on his Kurta, He grab the waiter collar and start scolding him. We stopped him then he let him go.
( this was my first time seeing him so upset he is literally want to kill anyone. Now seriously i want to know the reason of his anger by any cost.)

I take him to restroom, and secretly take his phone, open the whatsap and see the first chat It was Riya.( i know what i was doing is wrong , but i have to know the reason.)

I opend the chat......

Jimin- Riya I am sorry. But i have to leave you at that time.

Sorry, my babe...

Please answer my call...

Baby i am sorry

Riya, My love please come to lady sangeet...for Tae and Anshika di ...

Riya-  you don't love me, your friend harassed me. Ask her to say sorry first..... and don't talk to her.

Jimin-  see first that's not her fault and even if it was her, i can't say that Aadhya say sorry...and i can't leave her too...i love you...u know right!!!

Riya- you don't love me...fine, don't leave her, but ask her to say sorry..otherwise i am not talking to u...

Jimin-  baby try to understand......i can't ...
I am sorry...

Sorry baby...

Please pick up my phone...

(Now i feel so frustrated, after reading this. Jimin is begging her to forgive him, even he has no fault...she is really disgusting girl and why Jimin is not telling me everything.)

Jimin saw me that i am reading his chat.

Jimin- "Aadhya stop!! This is wrong.....don't check other phone."

Aadhya- "ooo you were hiding all this to me and this is right....I really hate your gf."

Jimin- "Its just i can't tell get upset because of all this and don't take any tension i ll handle her."

Aadhya – "Ooo i saw how well you are handling tell me ...did you really love her.??.."

Jimin (Hmmm why she is asking me this, i am confused) "yes i really love her.

Aadhya – "Do you want to leave her..."

Jimin – "No. I can't and i will never leave her"."

Aadhya – "Fine come with me..."

I hold his hand and take him with me....

Jimin pov

She is holding my hand and take me to outside the house.

Aadhya " now take me to riya.

Jimin – "What noo, you want to kill her???

Aadhya – "I hate her but not that much...just take me to her..."
(she gave me a death glare...seriously i get scared...i just take her. And in whole drive i am just nervous, what she will  do??? Did she going to kill her or i see a girls fighting. How will i stop them..." )

We went at her house.

Aadhya open the car door and ring the door bell.

Riya came and open the door..she is in shocked too.

Aadhya – "Hii Riya nice to meet you....can i come in??"

( she ask her so politely, oh my goddess , suddenly how can she became so polite towards her)

Riya "yes you can...just come and sit..say whatever you want and leave."

Aadhya " i am sorry, i know that was my fault, i don't, Do this again, please forgive me...don't let our relationship Or fight affect your and jimin's relation. He really love you...and  i know you too right??"

RIYA "yes i am......"
"now you are asking me to forgive you...then alright..".

"Jimin baby i forgive you too.."

( I am happy that Riya forgive me, and i am feeling guilty for Aadhya...)

I just smile and i and Aadhya left.

We both were sitting in the car.
(I don't have have power to look into her eyes. )
I take her to one ice cream shop.

Aadhya "thanks Jimin...i seriously need chocolate ice cream this time."

Jimin – "Don't say that you know i am feeling guilty, i know you...that was not your fault then also you said sorry to her...just to save my relationship...i know Aadhya you are very egoistic is very  very difficult to you to say sorry...i am sorry Aadhya.i am really sorry..."

She hug me and said...

"Jimin...we are best was my duty to solve this mess and it was not that tough it just a sorry..and always remember...nothing is important more than your be happy and enjoy you brother and friends wedding..."

( How can she is so good...i am really lucky to find her as my best friend....i am very happy..i am feeling.... that i found my best friend whom i am very important.finally i found a friend who can fight and even apologize just for my happiness...she is to gooooood....)

Author Note..
Hii guy's again..i am here with new chapter....
I know you guy's hate Riya i hate her too....

So Thanks you for reading this chapter and Vote Comment...😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

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