Chapter 34 - Confession

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At night

I am at my home, whole day, i didn't message and called her because i am angry with her.....Why she goes on date,when i told her not to go....

I received Addy text, that her date was good,she told me that the guy was Jungkook and he is kind and handsome too...
At office
I met Addy,she is happy, she is like nothing had done, her behavior is same....

I also decide to make everything good between us.
I went to canteen, Addy is also there.

I go and sit in front of her,She is looking ravishing as always, but something is different....

I looked closely,  and noticed she is not wearing, my necklace, it was different necklace

I-"whose necklace is this???"

Addy-"this necklace Jungkook gift me, it is beautiful right??

I-"Where is mine???"

Addy-"I have it, in my purse safely"

I-"Why are you wearing his,not mine???"

Addy-"he asked me, to wear only for 3 to 4 days...that's why....i always wear yours,so it's not a big thing...(i know he doesn't, like it, but he have to get used to it....i can't be with him always, one day i have to go to my boyfriend, and he has to go to his girlfriend......i honestly want only him in my life.....but he doesn't want me.....)

I-"its not a big thing??how can you say that so easily,i gifted you....How can you wear that bastard necklace"

Addy-"Don't use swear words, against him, and yes you gifted me, but one day,You too have to go to some other girl, just like i,am going to Jungkook.....We can be freinds forever not more than that..."

I get speechless, i know she is right, she is saying truth, but i am hating it.

I am talking to her when Jungkook came.

JK-"Hi! ADDY!"

I-"What did you said????"

He repeated confusedly.

I-"Ahhh! Jungkook listen, 'Addy' that name only i can used, Stop using it."

jk-"Come on Hyung, it's just a name, one day, that name,and Addy, both will be mine..."

he looked at Addy with smile, Aadhya also smiled.

"I think,Aadhya,doesn't tell you, i proposed her last night,  but  she said, she want more days to think...."
(Once Jk is my friend,now he is becoming my enemy)

I-"Forget it, Addy lets go to movie"

I Hold her hand and turned to go but i stopped.

Addy-"I am sorry Jimin, i can't go with you, Jk asked me for a movie before you, I am sorry"

She removed my hand from her's.

They both went.

I saw her,going with him.
I am feeling like, something precious thing, i am loosing hurt me, it hurt a lot....

My Addy is going far away from me....i am loosing her slowly,slowly, i can see this...

But worst part is, i can't do anything as a friend, i don't ,don't understand why i am feeling this, but this is the worst was paining like, i take a slow is Killing me, slowly, very slowly....
I can't sleep all night,All night i try to find what i want,what is right for us....I am trying to make me calm but my mind is just saying that i am losing her.....
I know Jungkook is amazing but still he is not good for her, i don't know why??
At office

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