Chapter 33 Do you like me

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Aadhya pov

I have to take the taxi,beacuse Jimin left me here.....he is dumb,stubborn, stupid,childish......."
Ahhhh!he is so childish,he left me here for no reason.

Finally i reached, i am upset because, Jimin left me and today it was very hard to find cab.

Tae-"Aadhya Is you both fight???why you both came separately?"

I-"No,how can someone fight with brainless, stupid person?"i said mockingly

"By the way, i a must say, your brother is the most dumbest, idiot,mental person in the world"

I get indside the house.

Tae pov

So they fought with each other....i asked the same question to Jimin before, he said,Addy became uncomfortable around me,that's why i left her.

I can't understand their relation,everyone can see the love between them, but why they can't.....

The main problem in their relationship, is that they don't know what they want....

I went to Anshika to tell her everything.

I sat on my chair and saw Jimin and Aadhya sitting far away from each other, and the most funny part is they are making teasing faces for each other,whenever their eyes met......
They both were still child....

We sat on our uncle is in office..

Aadhya-"Di pass me the bowl of Dal"

Before Anshika take the bowl,Jimin take it and served his bowl very slowly.

Aadhya-"Do fast"

Jimin-"No,i am gonna do this in my speed"

Aadhya-"So finally, you agreed that you are slow"

I am enjoying it....Full drama, comedy......I am waiting for action.

Jimin-"whatever you want to think, let me serve myself first..."

Aadhya-"You don't have manners ?"

Jimin-"My manners get away the day when i met you"

Aadhy-"No, you don't have manners from beginning of your life"

Jimin-"How do you know???is you there?"

Aadhya-"I was-"

Anshika-"Shut up two are adults....can you behave like that...see i am not interested in finding what happened, between here don't do these shit......

"Mitali! bring one more bowl of Dal here"

Why she stopped them...i am enjoying it...after that, they both don't say a word....

My wife have dominant personality.....these things make me fall for her more....
Anshika-"Aadhya!last week your mom called me."

Aadhya-"Did she, said you that thing again??No Di, please No"

Anshika-"But Aadhya, she is are in your marriage have to think about it,you can't delay it still don't have a boyfriend"

"See, i have to do what your mom told me, I had arranged a blind date for just have to Go and meet the guy, that's it."

Jimin-"NO"       AADHAY-"OK"

Both said at the same time.

Jimin-"what did you say Addy??"

Aadhya-"I said OK"

Jimin-"No, you are not going"

Aadhya-"Yes, i am going...and that's final , i have a full rights taking this decision so..i don't want any discussion further..."

Jimin get stand up angrily.

"Fine,Do whatever you want to do"
And he left..

Aadhya saw him. She smiled embarrassingly and get up.

Aadhya-"i am going to check on him"
We nodded and she left.
Aadhya pov

I-"Why are you overreacting on these small things ?? you like me????
(I want him to say yes)

Jimin-"What???" he get shocked.

I-"I asked you did,you like me??"

He paused for a moment.

Jimin-"No obliviously not, i have eyes and they work, so how can i like you..."

I get disappoint.

I-"Yes you are right, how can you like me,so now listen, remember you and i are only friends not more than that, so as a friend you have to support me on my every decison,you can't get upset on that...... you can't interfere in my relationship life until you had feelings for me."

Jimin-"It mean i will never"

I-"I appreciate that."


I-"Di is calling me, i am going and you should come too."

We both went inside.

For once, i really want him to say that, he like me, he loves me.....
Di-"Addy! Go home and get ready, boy will come at cafe and address for that,I'll text you."

I-"Yeah,Di" I looked at Jimin,he is starring me angrily.
Jimin pov

I am sitting in my room, trying to think something else, but i can't.....
When she asked me, did i like her...i get shocked,from no where she asked me this....

I don't know actually, that i like her or not....but i know that she is very important for me...i want her in my life forever....i doesn't want her to date anyone, but why????
What she is doing right now??? It been 2 hours, she is at the cafe for sure.....i want to check her...but i don't know the address, i can't ask anyone.......

If guy is bad, then???? If he is nice guy then???

Ahhhh! My mind can't stop working.......

Tae came.....

Tae-"Buddy! You were alone, so let's go somewhere....Anshika is gone for shopping to Universe know it is new mall, it also have new cafe...I think that cafe is perfect for Addhya's date.....forget it...let's go somewhere."

(Thanks God,I know where she is)

I-"I am busy, Bye"

Tae looked at me confusedly....
I went there, i have to hide no chance, she can't saw me.....if she saw me, then she ask why i am here......and she already told me, i can't stop her,unless i have feeling for her.....
I found , they both were sitting and laughing,

Addy is comfortable with him. I can't see the guy from here,because his back is front of me....i want to take her now....but i can't....
I got the idea to wait, so that if he is bad guy,i can take her....

I decided to saw that bastard face, i get at front slowly...

It is Jungkook....

"Shit!!!! I know him, he is nice guy.....Aadhya met him already, that's why she is comfortable....he is very popular and successful too...DI choose good guy....Shitttt,if Addy fall in love what will i do???

I am his friend, i have to happy for her.....
I can't take them anymore, i went home back.

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