Chapter 22 - Best to worst

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We went to garden and sat on the bench.

Author pov They were sitting like this.

The sky is beautiful at that time, there are a lot of stars

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The sky is beautiful at that time, there are a lot of stars. we both were starring the stars.

Jimin- " Addy you were correct, Riya is really a bitch, The Riya whom i love was died a long time ago. Now  a bitch is living in her body now I understand why all people hate her."

(Finally he is telling me everything so I just be quiet and listen what happened that day.)

Jimin- "I decorate all the hotel room with balloons and flowers petal. The room is totally looking like a romantic room.
I get ready 1 hr ago and I am very excited at that time."
"I wait for her but she doesn't came. I wait 2 hr more but the result is same, so I decided to go to her house so that I can confess my feeling to her."


I went there Riya opened the door and she got confused, i went inside and found a mid 40s age foreigner guy who is half naked is here.

I get angry and punched him.
But for my surprise , Riya stopped me to punch him and said

"Sorry Sir don't mind him I ll call you later please leave for now"

There is no regret , guilt, shame in her eyes.

She looked at me with frustrated look, like I did something wrong.

Riya - "What the fuck are you doing here Jimin?"

Jimin - "Me!!! (i asked in surprisingly tone. ) What are you doing with that guy Riya I prepared a dinner for us, I want to propose you to marry me, but you were busy in sleeping with other guy."
Riya laugh mockingly first.
"Wait what!!!!! you were going to propose me.... to marry you......😂😂😂 I mean seriously 'marry!!!'"

She laugh.

"When you become so serious about our relationship. I don't know about you, but it's just a fun for me."
Jimin – "Baby i am serious from starting, I really love you babe"

Riya – " Jimin now by your talk I get irritated , now I think its time for a break up... I get bored from you"

Jimin – "Break up!! No! No! No! baby don't say that, if it was a mistake its okay I can forgive you.... we can move on. Baby I really love you, I can't live without you...remember our old days you were with me in my worst time. How can you leave me... no no...."

Riya – "Jimin in old days there was a good Riya and she died a long time ago...............Oh! Oh! now i understand you fall in love with good Riya. Jimin, you can't even find out the difference between my real and reel side. I think you were intelligent but you were not..... now I pity you.....
Jimin – "Baby no I love you don't break up with me, don't leave me.."

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