It's Alright (Hijikata Toshiro)

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She was gentle and caring.

"....Are you," (Y/N) paused and looked worriedly at him. "Okay?....Uh, It's alright. I can help you...."

Hijikata looked up to find a (H/C) haired woman peering down at him with a curious look laced with worry and concern.

"Were you...kidnapped!?" (Y/N) gasped, noticing how his hands and feet were bound by ropes. "N-No....uh," Hijikata cleared his throat when he saw her give him a terrified look.

"S-Shall I call the cops?"

"I-I am the cop!!" Hijikata spoke as he sat up. "It's uh— my...subordinate did this to me. I would appreciate your help..." Hijikata looekd down, embarrassedly as (Y/N) immediately realized what he was trying to say and tried to untie the ropes.

"....What kind of subordinate would tie their friend up like this?" (Y/N) thought aloud as she untied the ropes on Hijikata.

"....He's...less likely a subordinate, more like a comrade who's ready to turn their blade to me anytime, I guess." Hijikata scoffed, feeling bitter whenever he remembers what Sougo did.

"Oh, right. M-My name is Hijikata Toshiro." Hijikata slightly bowed his head to her when she finally untied him.

"I'm (Y/N)!" (Y/N) happily exclaimed as they both stood up. "Well, I have to go now so maybe I'll see you around, Hijikata-san!!" (Y/N) smiled as she bowed to him and ran off.

Meamwhile, Hijikata gazed at her as if in a trance despite her figure getting smaller and smaller as she went further and further away from him.

"Oh, (Y/N)-san from the Orphanage. Do you know her, Vice Chief?" Yamazaki appeared beside Hijikata with an anpan in hand.

Actually, Hijikata got into that situation because Sougo bribed Yamazaki with some anpans, but that wasn't really important.

"...Orphanage?" Hijikata repeated, seemingly in deep thought. "I see....."

"Ah, but she sure is cute isn't she? I hear they call her Angel around there, the rumors are true—" Yamazaki flinched when he felt a dark aura radiating from Hijikata.

"Yamazaki, commit seppuku."


That day— Hijikata met the woman who became his everything.


"...Maybe, I shouldn't have come..." Hijikata hisses lowly, hiding behind a tree in front of the orphanage where (Y/N) worked. "....But, (Y/N)-san....."

Hijikata thought it was crazy— but, he wanted to see her again. The only way to see her is to pay a visit to the orphanage— according to Yamazaki, so he went there.


"Shh! You're gonna blow my cover!!" Hijikata whispered quite loudly— not realizing it was (Y/N) who called his name out.

"Oh, I apologize. Are you on a mission?"

"Mission? What— AH!!" Hijikata finally looked back and saw (Y/N). "(Y/N)-san!!"

"I shouldn't disturb you then." She smiled lowly at him, "W-Wait!! I'm not on a mission...." Hijikata covered the lower half of his face with his hand as he was blushing deeply.

"Oh, I see. Ahahahah, I just assumed so since you are wearing the uniform and all."

"Do you....ahem," Hijikata cleared his throat, "Are you busy right now?...."

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