On Your/My Wedding Day (Takasugi Shinsuke)

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"Get to your room!!"


(Y/N) was harshly pushed into a large room. The door was immediately shut tight right after she entered. (Y/N) quickly ran to the door and tried to pry it open but the maids holding it close on the other side were too strong.

"You'll stay here— inside the house premises, inside your room only at all times— until the day of your wedding. This is the final decision, you can't do anything to change it." Her mother huffed in a loud voice, as if telling her that no matter what she said nothing would ever change her mind.

"Wait— Just listen to me. This once! Please!" (Y/N) begged, as she fell to the floor, tears falling from her eyes and unto her lap as she leaned on the door. "I've....I've done nothing but be a puppet for you my whole life, I tried my best to be the perfect daughter..."

She clenched her fist and hung her head down. "I listened to everything and obeyed silently. But, just this once— I just......." She sniffed and croaked out lowly as she started sobbing, crying her heart out and feeling it clench with pain.

"I just want to be with the one I truly love...."


"Did you hear?"

"I know right! I can't believe she's getting married!

"As expected of the (L/N)'s...I hear her husband-to-be comes from a wealthy family too."

Gintoki raised an eyebrow at the whispering he's been hearing around town. He was on the way back to the house after eating his daily sugar content but apparently there was this huge news that got the town of Kabuki District all flustered.

The marriage of (Y/N).

"Gin-chan, (Y/N)-nee's getting married! We have to go there!!"

When Gintoki arrived at the house he finds Kagura, Otae and Shinpachi inside. Kagura was the first one to speak up, demanding they go there all of a sudden without even knowing what they plan to do once they arrive.

"If we don't get invitations, then we don't."

"Not that!!" Kagura shook her head vehemently, a sad look appearing on her face as she looked down. "(Y/N)-nee is gonna marry someone she doesn't like..."

"....I've been hearing strange rumors about her husband-to-be at the Hostess Club too," Otae stated as she looked at her lap with a solemn look. "He's a frequent customer who gropes women— a disgusting man. He's a womanizer that's only marrying her because he has eyes on the (L/N) fortune." Otae clicked her tongue and clenched her fist.

"How can I leave our precious (Y/N) to a man like that?! We're stopping that wedding no matter what happens."

"Hold on," Gintoki sighs, as he ran his hand throuh his hair and held his other hand up to stop the two destructive women from running around to destroy things.

"I know what you all feel. I feel the same," Gintoki explains softly as he looked down with dull red eyes. "I'm sure (Y/N) doesn't like this either. But, we have to respect her decision and what it is she wants to do— we really can't interfere blindly this time."


Takasugi looked down, placing his smoking pipe down as he puffed smoke out he let out a sigh soon after. They were in Edo— for no reason, really. Some part of Takasugi still hasn't been able to accept the fact that they broke up and wanted to miraculously meet her again.

However, the man was ignorant of the news spreading across towns of (Y/N)'s marriage since he always locked himself up inside the ship and never really bothered going out.

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