I'll Get You (Joui 4)

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"We've sent all the packages," Mutsu sighs as she walks up to where Sakamoto was— at the deck overlooking the harbour of Edo.

"—and you were right. Takasugi is here in Edo too." Mutsu grits her teeth and sighed, she never really liked it when Sakamoto was right.

"But what's with this childish prank of yours?"

"Hahahahaah! Ahahahah! Mutsu, don't you think it's my time?" Sakamoto turned around and grinned widely. "All these years, (Y/N)-chan has been winning every single one of this contests." Sakamoto feigned a small pout. "Although, it was my plan originally."

"But this time— I'll Get Her. I will win this time. Ahahahah! Hahahaha!" Sakamoto laughed loudly while Mutsu sighs and shakes her head.

"Well, we'll be here for a whole week for business deals. So, try to settle it while you can and try not to drag the Kaientai into your stupidity while you're at it."


"Gin-san, we have a package— I think." Shinpachi announces loudly, entering the living room where Gintoki, Kagura and (Y/N) were in, carrying a huge box in his arms.

"Who's it from?" (Y/N) asked, sitting up straight when Shinpachi laid the box on the table and sat beside Kagura, on the opposite couch where Gintoki and (Y/N) were sitting at.

"....Oh, it's from Tatsuma. Tsk," Gintoki immediately scowled. "What's he planning now?!"

"You haven't even seen what's inside, why are you so displeased?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at Gintoki who leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Anything that man sends to me is never anything good— I learned from past experiences."

"Tatsuma has no reason to do that this time— I'm sure you did something to irritate him that's why he did that." (Y/N) shook her head and leaned forward.

"(Y/N)-nee open it! Open it!— and if it's food we won't give any to Gin-chan!!" Kagura excitedly beamed and (Y/N) nodded.

"Of course."


(Y/N) then proceeded to open the box, but then there was only one item— a small wooden box and a note inside it. "Oh, it says it's exclusively for Gin...Maybe Tatsu has something to tell you??" (Y/N) reads aloud and hands the small wooden box to Gintoki who accepted it without any suspicion.

"For me??" Gintoki asked innocently, taking the box and lifting it to his face to inspect. Ever since all the chaotic things he's been through because of the things Sakamoto randomly sends him— he tried to be wary with any parcel that arrives.

"Well, there's no harm in taking a look." Gintoki shrugged and opened up the box only for whip cream to splash against his face.


"Oh, there's another note inside it." (Y/N) ignored Gintoki and read the note aloud.

"I got you! Ahahahah! Hahahaha! It's that time of the year, Kintoki— and I'm sure (Y/N)-chan's reading this as well. (Y/N)-chan, I'm sure you haven't forgotten either— but someday, I'll Get You, Ahahahahah! Hahahah! Well, that's that— and I officially start it!! Oh, don't worry— I also sent ones to Zura and Takasugi. We're all back in action again! Ahahahahah! Hahahahah!" (Y/N) read in an imitation of Sakamoto's voice.

"....(Y/N)-nee's not good at imitating voices." Kagura frowned.

"...What does that mean, (Y/N)-nee?" Shinpachi asked the still-laughing (Y/N) while hamding Gintoki a clean white cloth to wipe his face with.

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