Stay With Me (Yamazaki Sagaru)

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".....Am I dreaming?" Yamazaki happily exclaims with a dreamy sigh as he closes his eyes and smiled.

Yamazaki felt like he was on cloud nine when Hijikata broke the news of their latest mission to him earlier this day



Hijikata's booming voice made Yamazkai jump up to his feet. Yamazaki quickly dropped the racket he was practicing badminton with and ran to where Hijikata was.

He quickly stood straight, and saluted. "Y-Yes! Vice Chief!!" Once there, Yamazaki spots Sougo, Hijikata, Kondo, Matsudaira and (Y/N) in the room.

"We'll take Yamazaki too, so you can rest assured now, right?" Hijikata turned to Matsudaira who nodded, his gun was blowing off steam and Kondo was passed out on the ground.

"Father, Kuriko and I will do just fine! Why do you even need to bother Toshi-chan and the others?!" (Y/N) argued, turning to Matsudaira who pouted at her.

"(Y/N)-chan, I'm just looking out for you and Kuriko-chan. These guys don't even have much to do anyways, so just let them accompany you!!" Matsudaira pleaded, he had always been such a worrywart when it came to his daughters.

"Besides!! I already let you work with these wolves, so the least you can do to show me my decision wasn't wrong is by letting them protect you!!" Matsudaira pleaded, and his words were true.

Since (Y/N) was Matsudaira's eldest daughter, he was 100x overprotective with her than he was with Kuriko. So when (Y/N) suddenly decided she wanted to work at the Shinsengumi as a medic Matsudaira was vehemently against it.

But in the end, even Matsudaira was no match for her puppy dog eyes.

"I know that, but still—!!" (Y/N) protested, her eyes wandering the room and then she saw Yamazaki. When her eyes met Yamazaki's she blushed and looked away.

"Ahahahahah! (Y/N)-chan! No need to worry! You won't be bothering us!! If you won't let us go with you, Toshi and Sougo would just worry all day!" Kondo followed up, suddenly speaking up.


"Great! If anyone of them tries anything on you or Kuriko-chan— you tell me immediately." Matsudaira growls, waving his gun about making Hijikata, Kondo and Yamazaki flinch.

"C-Captain Okita, what is all this about?" Yamazaki whispered to Okita who shrugged.

"Apparently, We're accompanying (Y/N)-san on a trip."

"....(Y/N)-san!? A trip!? With (Y/N)-san!?" Yamazaki gasped, his cheeks turning bright red at the mention of the Shinsengumi's medic, who was also Matsudaira's eldest daughter.

"What're you looking so shocked for?" Hijikata sighs.

"N-Nothing, Vice Chief!!"

'It's like I'm going on a trip alone with her. Oh no, I'm getting nervous!!'

What Yamazaki didn't know— was that he wasn't the only one who had that kind of thought.

'O-Oh no, Yama-chan's coming along!? T-Then....maybe we could have some alone time together...AHH!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING (Y/N)?!'

(Yahoo! Flashback End!)

He felt the snow gently pelt on his skin, the coldness embracing him and then he felt a scarf being wrapped around his neck.

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