Teeth (Okita Sougo)

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*okay..I know that's probably Toshi in the cover up there, but just focus on the song I guess 🥹 Also, uh for fictional reasons Sougo & Kamui will be aged up here 👀

The night was dark, and outside the cool wind was blowing furiously. The empty space beside him slowly awakened him from his slumber, Sougo opens his eyes, rubbing his sleepiness away— he hears the soft sound of someone moving about.

"....You're going now? In the middle of the night?" Sougo scoffs in a low voice, making her stop in her tracks.

His tired red eyes scan the surroundings, until they fall on her figure. He wait to see if she would retreat back into the comfort of his arms— but she didn't.

"(Y/N), why don't you just tell him the truth?" Sougo sighs, sitting up— revealing his bare upper body, his lower half covered by the wrinkled sheets that was the result of their rough, nightly activities.

(Y/N) pursed her lips and sighed, her hair looking like the absolute mess it was. She keeps her back turned to him, refusing to meet his eyes.

"No, I can't." She says in a bitter voice, "I can never,"

".....—Ever tell Kamui about this."

Sougo clicks his tongue, hints of anger appearing on his face after hearing her resolved commitment to keep it still a secret.

"Fine," He huffed and lied back on the bed as if he didn't care about her. "Suit yourself,"

Some days, you're the only thing I know
Only thing that's burning when the nights grow cold
Can't look away, can't look away
Beg you to stay, beg you to stay, yeah

Sougo plopped his face down on the pillow, but then not even a second later he tilts his head to the side to watch her.

It was always like this— Sougo didn't even know how he felt about it, but one thing was sure: he didn't like it.

Every time she was on Earth, they would spend the night together— heated sessions all through out until they pass out from exhaustion. But her stamina was something else.

Sougo watched as she scrambled around, gathering her things and her clothes— his eyes following every single motion as if he was burning into his mind that moment to remember.

Now, Sougo himself hated being clingy— he felt disgusted when he thinks of himself feeling clingy to someone. But when it came to her— all rationality disappears.

Sougo bites his lower lip, his eyes narrowing and his eyebrows furrowing as he holds back from rushing up and grabbing her wrist.

He wanted to grab her, throw her back down on the bed and tire her out— so much as she doesn't even think of leaving as soon as they finish like she always does.

With a soft sigh, Sougo lets go of his thoughts. During the nights they spend together, Sougo only knew how to love her.

His eyes don't ever look away from her resolved figure— why couldn't she just stay with him even just for one night?

He hated it.

— because it made him question what he was to her,

Did she only like him for his body?

For his money?

His looks?

He didn't know— he didn't want to know. With a groan, Sougo hides his face on the pillow, not wanting to burden his mind any more.

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