Rewrite The Stars (Sakata Gintoki)

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Gintoki's eyes widened, as he stared at her back. Everything was all the same as it was before— which was weird considering how it had been 10 years already.

"How are you here— No...."

For a moment, a look of shock passes through his face. But no sooner than that, his furrowed eyebrows slowly relaxed.

A gentle, relieved smile appears on his lips as he approaches her. When he did, she turns around to meet him face to face.

"....Will you wait for me, Gintoki?"

Gintoki almost raised an eyebrow at her question, but nonetheless smiled softly.

"I will, and I did." Gintoki chuckles lowly, "You're here with me now, aren't you?"

"No." She replied casually, connecting her hands behind her back and looking at him with a sorrowful expression.

"It's not time yet,"

Looking at her, the unusually calm expression on her face. Her (E/C) eyes that expressed the sorrow and pain she felt, the corners of her lips that were twitching to keep up the facade of a smile.

"(Y/N), we—"

"It's not time yet, Gintoki." She turned her back to him without warning.

"So, please.....wait for me a little bit more, okay?"

"...What? But, you're here now— I..."

The big bright smile on Gintoki's lips just mere minutes ago had disappeared as if it was just as illusion.

"Please, wake up Gin-san."


"Wake up!!"



It was Shinpachi's voice.

Gintoki's eyes snapped open and the first he saw was the familiar ceilings of his room along with the usual human Shinpachi always had on his person.

".....Just a dream...." Gintoki muttered disappointedly under his breath as he sits up, caressing his aching head with his hand.

"What? No!! It's not a dream!! A client is really here!!!"

"What's all the noise about? Can't let a man dream away...." Gintoki groans, begrudgingly getting up on his feet and following Shinpachi to the living room.

But when he saw the stern-looking old man sitting on the couch, Gintoki woke up quite quick.

"I'm getting straight to the point," The old man says as he slides a picture facing down across the table.

"I need you to find this woman for me," As he said such words, his eyes were locked with Gintoki's red ones in caution.

"Of course, I'm not asking you to do it for free." He says, snapping his fingers. The two men clad in black from head to toe behind him move forward and placed briefcases on the table.

"I'm willing to pay you this much, as long as you get me that woman."

Gintoki stared at the stacks of money inside the briefcase. Without saying another word, he quietly reached for the picture and studied it.

—It was barely noticeable.

The way his eyes widened by a fraction, his breath slightly got caught in his throat.

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