The Most Precious (Takasugi Shinsuke)

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"Oi, are you even trying?" Takasugi sighed exasperatedly at (Y/N)'s foolish attempts to get him to listen to her. "Oops, wrong anime."

"But you wouldn't listen to me!" (Y/N) pouted as she puffed her cheeks out in annoyance. Takasugi rolled his eye and sighed again.

"What do you want, woman." Takasugi groans, turning to (Y/N) with a blank stare. However, she was not affected in anyway or discouraged but in contrast she smiled brighter.

"Let's go on a date!"


"Yeah!! I hear that there's a festival going on nearby!!" (Y/N) enthusiastically brings up, Takasugi immediately knew what she was trying to imply and he sighed.

"And I wanna go there with you....I-If you want to that is!! If you don't then...I don't really mind.." (Y/N) shyly scratched her cheek with a finger as she looked down with a pout before shooting him a glance once every 5 seconds.

'This woman...Isn't she being a bit too obvious?' Takasugi face palmed and took his smoking pipe away from his mouth.

"....What if I say I don't want to?"

At his answer, (Y/N) looked up and gasped in protest before quickly frowning and turning her head away.

"T-Then...I mean, I'm fine with staying here because you're here too..but..."

Takasugi internally chuckled at the sight— She was like a puppy, you could easily read what was on her mind. Without another word, Takasugi stood up and ruffled her hair.

"Come on, I have time."

"What?! Really!? Yay!! I love you Shinsuke!!"

'Well....It's easier to tease her this way~' Takasugi smirked as he and (Y/N) walked towards the door to exit the ship— they were in Edo for a short while, but of course (Y/N) would definitely take advantage of this to do everything she wanted to with Takasugi. Takasugi rarely agreed to her plans as well, because he was emo and stuff.


"Waaaaah!! Look, Shin!! Cotton candy! Wait– There's shaved ice over there!! Takoyaki too!!" (Y/N) jumped from one place to another— busy seeing all the delicious food from various stalls around.

Takasugi only sighed, keeping his poker face on as he followed her around while she ate everything she wanted to.

"Could you be any louder? We have to keep a low profile here." Takasugi whispers to her, fortunately, (Y/N) wasn't very known by the Shinsengumi— After all, Takasugi did everything he could to protect her.

So, she could easily roam around in the daylight and anywhere else. But that wasn't the same for Takasugi— he was a well-known wanted man, so if someone were to spot him accidentally, it would mean trouble.

(Y/N) blinked her eyes repeatedly when she saw a couple walk with their hands interwined.

'I-I wanna hold hands with Shinsuke too!!!!' (Y/N) thinks as she clenched her fist determinedly. 'It won't be easy, but I'll do my best!'

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