Not Prepared (Sakata Gintoki)

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"So....this is it?" (Y/N) bit her lower lip, gazing hard at Gintoki who stood motionless before her.

"Your love for me...." She trails off, placing a hand on her chest as she looked down with a bitter smile.

"It only reaches this far?" She scoffed, and looked away. "Even you....even you would betray me!!"

"(Y/N), hold on......—"

"No! I've had enough of this, Gintoki!" (Y/N) yells, a tear escaping from her eyes. "If this....this is what it is to be married to you then—"

She looked at him with a hateful gaze in her eyes as she cried, "I don't want it at all!!"

"Hey, (Y/N) wait— let me explain!"

"No! I've had enough of your lies, Gintoki!!"

"....Uhm...." Shinpachi sweat dropped, awkwardly raising his hand to temporarily stop the fight between the married couple.

"What?" (Y/N) looked at Shinpachi, wiping away her tears and Shinpachi sighs.

"...I bought you ice cream in place of the one Gin-san ate, so please stop fighting now."

"....What?! Really?! Oh! Patsuan!" (Y/N) grinned happily as she hugged Shinpachi, "Such a precious boy indeed!!"

"Hah, seriously...Look at this woman change moods so easily," Gintoki raked his hand through his hair, watching as (Y/N)—

—Who was a sobbing mess earlier because of Gintoki eating her ice cream, now grinning from ear to ear.

Gintoki looked at her and sighed, "I'm sorry for eating your ice cream alright? I thought you didn't want it anymore!"

"And you Gin-san!" It was now Shinpachi's turn to scold him, "You know (Y/N)-san holds deep food-related grudges! Why did you eat her ice cream?"

"Well...just the other day she—" Gintoki rubbed the back of his neck, "...She said she hated sweet stuff and now all of a sudden she likes ice cream again??"

"A woman's heart is fickle!" (Y/N) yells at him.

", you're not mad anymore?" Gintoki carefully asked (Y/N) who was happily eating the ice cream on the couch.

"Nope!~ Not at all!~" She chirped happily while Gintoki and Shinpachi shared a quick glance.

"A woman's heart is fickle indeed...."

"Lately....her tastes have been changing quick," Gintoki whispers to Shinpachi.

"....Maybe it's because you keep pissing her off every second of the day." Shinpachi sighs.

"No, really!!" Gintoki insisted, "The other day, usually she wakes me up gently and with a smile but....." He looked up.

(Yahoo~ Flashback Start~~)

"Gintoki......." (Y/N) mumbles sleepily as she slaps Gintoki's back softly. "Wake up....we have," She groans when the male shifted his position and continued to sleep.

"Gin......." She gently rubbed his back, it didn't help that he always fell asleep on top of her. That huge body of his was nowhere near light to carry— how could he expect her to move?

"Baby, wake up...." Her hand reached his soft, curly silver hair which she petted gently.

But when Gintoki still didn't move, she reached the end of her patience.

"I said get up, you lazy man!!" She yells, now holding tightly on to his silver hair, pulling on it with all her might.


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