Everyday (Sakata Gintoki)

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* In this one, reader has Insomnia!!!


(Y/N)'s eyebrows twitched. She decided to ignore it and shut her eyes tighter trying to fall asleep.


(Y/N) huffed and tugged on the blanket, wrapping it around herself tighter. She tried to ignore it once more but......


"Oh my gosh, Gintoki!!" (Y/N) finally exploded, and shook Gintoki awake vigorously.

"Huh?...Wha?..." Gintoki was still half-asleep, "Is there an earthquake? Why is it shaking so much?"

"I can't sleep! You snore too loud!!" (Y/N) yells at him, while Gintoki rubbed his eyes open.

"....Huh, this seems familiar." Gintoki blinked his eyes at her suspiciously as he cupped his chin.

"You can't sleep?" He asked her, looking at her tiredly.

"Not a wink," (Y/N) nodded, pouting her lips at him.

But Gintoki suddenly went back under the covers, "Oh, well."

"I can, goodnight (Y/N)."

Gintoki went back to sleep.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO! Gin, I want to sleep! I really do! I need my beauty sleep!!" (Y/N) slung her arm around his body and shook him repeatedly.

"Give it a rest woman!! I've gone through this before I know what happens at the end!!"

"Gin, you...." (Y/N) starts to sniffle softly, "You're so heartless! You don't love me?"

"Oi! What does love have to do with sleep?! Does love come from sleep?! Is love worth sacrificing my sleep for?! Let me sleep and I'll love you for eternity!" Gintoki shouts, but when he glanced at her face he sighed.

"Come on," Gintoki pulled her back down into their futon and wrapped his arms around her gently as he pulled her close.

"I'll hug you until you fall asleep, so sleep." He whispers lowly, cupping her cheek with one hand.

'Ah...Gin feels so warm, so...soft...' (Y/N) smiles comfortably as she nuzzles against Gintoki's chest.

'How comes his muscles can feel so hard and so soft at the same time? Speaking of Gin's muscles...I didn't get to see his abs today, tsk- I'll try again tomorrow...Ah, speaking of tomorrow I have to meet Hijikata-kun for work, speaking of work maybe I should make someone else do all my work for vacation? Speaking of vacation maybe I should go to- AH! Stop!!'

She shakes her head fiercely, realizing her thoughts were running rampant once more. (Y/N) softly exhales, relaxing her whole body against Gintoki's warm yet delicate touch that surprisingly made her feel safe and comfortable.

'Hmm, I think this will work. Gin is so huggable, ah should I hug him? But my hands won't reach behind him and my arms might fall asleep.....'


"Why did you sleep earlier than me?!" (Y/N) whines, shaking Gintoki awake again.

"Huh?!" Gintoki wiped off his saliva, and sighed. "(Y/N), Gin-san's sleepy. Let him sleep, have mercy on me." 

Gintoki turned his back to her and shut his eyes once more.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) was pouting angrily.

"Noooooooo!" She tugs off the blanket off of him, making him shiver.

"What is it, woman!?" Gintoki shouts but (Y/N) pouts.

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