Househusband (Hijikata Toshiro)

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"(Y/N)?...I'm home...." Hijikata calls out into their home, entering the door only to find an empty house with no sign of (Y/N) anywhere. Hijikata let out a small sigh and ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up a bit.

"....I should've checked her office first, damn it. She must be working over time again." Hijikata cursed at himself, realizing that his girlfriend was still probably at the Shinsengumi Compounds. "I only headed straight home after a patrol...I didn't check properly."

"....Should I visit her?" Hijikata looked up at the ceiling, feeling empty and lonely without her by his side.

Hijikata had been dating (Y/N) for 2 years now- they used to live at the Shinsengumi Compounds as they both worked there, until Hijikata decided to buy their own small house so that they could spend some alone time without a certain sadist randomly breaking in to fire a bazooka at Hijikata, or a certain gorilla coming in to cry about his countless rejections from a certain female gorilla or finding...random anpans scattered around.

But, lately- Hijikata noticed how much (Y/N) had been working overtime at the Shinsengumi. Surely, work would be tough for her as she is their only doctor- they could only afford one. So, (Y/N) had to bear all the workload alone.

"....She's not too stressed now, is she?" Hijikata asked himself, he couldn't help but be worried. He knew how much that woman pushed herself too hard- she'd always been like that.

Insisting she was fine when she wasn't, putting on a smile and saying she was just alright when she actually wasn't. When was she gonna learn that it's okay to be a little....less harsher on herself? Hijikata was there for her to lean on, so why won't she?

No one was weighing down on her, and even if someone was- Hijikata would personally see that person to hell. (Y/N) deserved a break, she needed to relax- so Hijikata made a plan.


"Toshi, I'm home...." (Y/N)'s tired voice rings aloud in the house as she sluggishly dragged her feet towards the living room.

Once there, she immediately collapsed comfortably against the soft cushions, letting out a deep and tired sigh.

"You're home late." Hijikata appeared before her, dressed in a frilly pink apron, a feather duster laid against his shoulder and his other hand placed on his waist.

"Toshi- what....." (Y/N)'s eyes seemed to widen as she took in the sight in front of her. Then, she looked around and the place was undoubtly sparkly clean, turning to the table she sees all her favorite food laid out on the table ready to eat, steam was even rising from the food signalling that they were freshly cooked and ready for her to devour.

"T-Toshi...." (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes turned watery, her voice rising a pitch as she opened her arms wide and pursed her lips at Hijikata.

"YOU SWEET TOSHI, COME HERE AND GIVE ME A HUG!!" (Y/N) cried out, touched and sobbing like a kid while Hijikata rolled his eyes and blushed.

"... Only this once...." He lowly murmurs as he moved to engulf her in his arms, wrapping his strong arms around her to hug her tightly while she nuzzled her face at his chest.

"....Hugs from you are all I ever need, Toshi." She softly spoke a contented smile appearing on her face as she tightened her hold on him.

"....Toshi, I love you so so much." She faintly whispered before her head collapsed against his chest.

Then, there was silence- the only sound Hijikata could hear was the soft and shallow breathings that she made while she was fast asleep against him.

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