Part 13

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(Aubrey's POV)

*The next day*
I was currently sitting in my lonely dorm doing some math work. Ugh, I hate math. And I hate homework. I looked hit too (that means rlly ugly and blah) but I didn't care I was alone doing homework. Just as I was solving some stupid math problem, my phone rang and I sighed and put my pencil down, I then answered my phone without looking at the caller ID. *Phone conversation below*

Mystery Guy- Heyyyyyyy Aubreyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
The guy said and dragged out his words, he seemed my age, and he sounded familiar.
Me-Oh! Heyyy! We haven't talked in forever, what's up best friend?!
Mystery Guy- Nothing really, I just wanted to announce to my best friend that I am now, moving into the MSU! I should be bringing my junk in tomorrow, and I think my dorm area/room number is 237?!
Me- Shut up! Shit, were roommates!!
I squealed and he yelled
Mystery Guy-Yeeessssssss!!!! This is amazing, I can't wait to see my little childhood friend again!
He joked and laughed, I agreed and laughed too
Me- Same! I'm beyond excited! But I have to do stupid math homework so talk to you later?
I said in a kind of questioning tone
Mystery Guy- Aw, laaaaaaame! No, no, lets ditch the math homework, and meet at some place in 20?! Cmon Bree I know you wanna!
He said excitedly and called me my nickname/childhood name to him 'Bree'. I sighed and thought for a second
Me- Ughhhh. Fine, only because I love my best friend. Lemme get ready and we'll meet at Starbucks
Mystery Guy- Alright cool! See ya in 20!

I than hung up the phone and place it on the charger. It was at 20 fricken percent, so after I get ready it better be charged to at least 75% or ima kill somebody. I got dressed into black ripped jeans, a black shirt, Nash's big red and black striped flannel, and some red vans. I also curled the ends of my hair and added on some eyeliner and mascara, then I grabbed my phone and locked up the dorm and ran to car, because it still is a bit cold here. *Phone rings* Ooh look, bae is texting me!

Nash- Hey babe! Whatcha doin today, I was thinking maybe we could go out to the mall together? 👫✌️❤️❤️
Me- Aw sorry babe, I was gonna hangout with an old friend today. But maybe we can hangout all together?! xx
Nash-Okayyy, only because ily. What time?
Me-Well Dylan and I are meeting at Starbucks in like 5 and so you can join us after you get ready?
Nash- Okay. Dylan? As in a 'guy' friend?
Me- Yes Nash he's a guy. We've been friends since I was like 3 so he's nothing more than a brother to me. But see ya in a bit I gotta get driving. Love you!
Nash- Mmm. Love you bae.

So then that happened. And I excitedly drove to Starbucks. *ding ding ding* the bell rang as I opened the door to heaven. I peeked around and straightened my hair up, just as I saw a tall guy with glasses and a beanie stand up with his eyes light up. My eyes lit up too as I ran over to him "Oh my gosh! Aubrey!" He said and hugged me tight, I hugged tightly also and almost cried "Dylan!"

"Aubrey! I missed you so fucking much," Dylan said into my hair as we were both still hugging. People were giving us looks like we're a married couple and shit but I don't care I haven't seen my best friend in years. Fucking years. And gosh I missed this guy so much, I started to cry into his shoulder, I was so happy. I sniffled and said "I missed you too Dill Pickle," and he chuckled and pulled away from the hug, then he whipped a little tear off his face and looked into my teary eyes. "Bree, don't cry. It sallll gooood," he said and I giggled and we hugged again and sat down in the booth he was at, it reminded me of Nash and I. When Nash and I first got to know each other, we were sitting in this exact same booth. I wiped my face and attempted to fix my makeup, "Does my makeup look messed up?" I asked and Dylan looked at it, observing my face, "No. It looks great!" He laughed and I smiled. "Soo I didn't order yet I was waiting for you, but anyways, what's new?!" He asked smiling and I just stared at him ignoring the question, "Look at you and your cute nerdy glasses, and a cute little beanie, my little Dylaaaaannnnn!" I said while straightening his hair up from his beanie. He blushed "Haha, very funny. I actually love this outfit I put together, I think I did pretty well on it too, so Im very proud of myself," he said smiling like an idiot, I laughed at his dorky-ness that I always knew. "Okay okay, I gotta admit, it's a pretty hot outfit and whatever, but what did you ask me?" I asked "Oh yeah, uh what's new, gotta boyfriend? Tryna keep your grades up? Doing sports again? Anything new?" He asked and I thought for a minute. "Umm well I am doing basketball, but we never had practice yet, they're still on the search for a coach and volleyball season doesn't start yet. My grades are good-ish, well average. And I may have a boyfriend I've been with for 4 about to be 5 months...." I whispered that last part. Dylans eyes nearly bursted out of his head "Whatttt?! Aubrey? With a boyfriend again? I thought after Chris you never were gonna date anybody again?!" He said and I sighed "Please. Don't say his name. And well yeah that's what I thought, but I knew I had to move on, so a few years and months later, I found Nash!" I smiled and he smiled too. "So when will I meet this son of a gun? I needa see if he's good enough for you, or nah" he laughed and I giggled, "He should actually be here any minute now!" I smiled really big and Dylan laughed. "Ew Bree, don't smile like that ever again," he laughed and I laughed "Whatever Dylan. Go get us some starbucks!" I said and he got up to go order. Just as he went in line, Nash came in and stand above me "Hey baby," he said and I looked up to meet his blue eyes "Nashyyyy!" I squealed and got up to hug him. He lifted me off the ground and twirled me in a circle and put me back down, I just put my hands around his neck and he kissed me passionately. "Mmm Nashh, cmon no PDA," I laughed and blushed "Hey no reason to be shy babygirl. I just wanna show people your mine," he said and I smiled and patted a seat down next to me.

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