Part 3

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I was on my way to the interview and checked the time at my red light. 8:05. Great, 5 minutes late to my first interview, that my life nearly depended on. Well, since this red light is still red, I'm a bit curious what that stranger I ran into wrote on the gloves I'm wearing. I slipped one off and flipped it inside out. It read:

Hey gorgeous! Tell me how your interview went Mrs. Monroe, I shall be expecting the call ;) 555-555-5555

Wow, he's so sweet. Maybe I should give him a call. Meanwhile, this traffic light is still red, and its 8:15. Maybe I'll just leave them a message that I can't make it and I would be late. Maybe they would understand and reschedule the timing.

*After the phone call with The Los Angeles, CA Acting Academy*
Well than. That didn't go out how I thought, they just yelled and yelled and said no reschedules and stuff. I blew it. I made a U-Turn and drove back to Starbucks so I could just relax and not be bothered. My roommate in my dorm is probably face-timing her boyfriend like always, and I definitely do not want to go back to that mushy gushy stuff. *Ding ding ding* the bell on the door rang once again as I entered the cafe. I sat down at a small booth and pulled on my laptop to look up some acting academies online and do some test. As soon as I finished up my second test, guess who came up to my table. The same guy who bumped into me and gave me the gloves with the little note inside them. "Fancy seeing you here," He smiled widely at me "Haha very funny. Are you following me?" I replied with a smirk. "Nahh. Did you get the note in the gloves Mrs.Monroe?" He said while sitting at the mini table with me, I looked down at the gloves "Yes, yes I did, it was very sweet thank you," I replied showing some redness come upon my cheeks. He smiled and I began removing the gloves and slid them across the table. "Hey, my gift to you. Keep em," he said sliding them back "Well thanks again. Hey, you never told me your name?" I asked him. He smirked and said "And you never added me to your contacts," and I giggled then asked again "I was in a rush, now what's your name?". His smirk grew bigger by the minute "Eager are we? Give me your phone?" he asked and I handed him my phone and he said his name "Nash. The names Nash," I just nodded Nash began to talk so I closed my laptop and listened to Nash. "So, you said you were rushing, you miss the interview?" Nash asked showing a confused, yet curios expression I spoke back in a low tone "Yeah I was gonna be late anyways so I called for a reschedule, but they said no," "Man, I would never say no to such a beautiful woman who worked her butt off for this interview." Nash said with his eyes completely on mine, I blushed so hard. He noticed and chuckled "Hey, no need to blush princess," he said and I blushed even more. What's with all the sweetness in this guy? "Why do you keep calling my beautiful and all these overly nice names?" I asked curious, "Well one, your amazingly gorgeous, two, I don't know your name I only know your last name, and three because it's true, you are just so beautiful," he said in all honesty. Wow. I was taken away by his words. "Thank you. You are a very sweet person Nash," I said and he smiled which made me smile for some reason. "By the way, my name is Aubrey" I stated then left Starbucks, leaving Nash clueless. Surprisingly, Nash ran out the cafe "Wait! Wait, Aubrey!" He caught my attention and I turned around and looked at him "Can we hangout tomorrow? Maybe at my place?" He yelled. "Yeah sure. I'll text you!" I yelled back and winked. He smirked and walked back inside the cafe. Maybe hanging out with a random cute guy will lighten up my mood, who knows.

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