Part 15

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❤️ Sorry I haven't done a Nash POV in a while but I will in this chapter. Love you guys!!

(Aubrey's POV)

"No! No, no, babe don't say that, we don't need a break were ok. Your ok, I'm ok and-" he said but I cut him off, the second time tonight "Exactly Nash, were OK. We used to be great and now look at us, arguing over something stupid, and about to take a break off our relationship. Nash cmon," he stayed silent after I said that, but I heard a sniffle. "Okay. I know we're ok, and were not good, just let me come over tomorrow and we will figure it all out ok just please don't say we're taking a break," he begged "Please Aubrey. Please, please, please. I can't loose you Aubrey, I need you. I love you," he whispered as he was crying and begging me. I started crying too, because I really didn't wanna do this but I need to, we both need a break and we both know it. "I love you too Nash," was the last words I said and then I hung up crying at what had just happened. I just need to go home, so I pulled over and wiped my tears and cleaned my face then I continued driving home.

(Nash's POV)

I can't believe what just happened. I'm gonna miss her so damn much and it's all my fault. But at least it's not a break up, its just a break for a while. But I'm still gonna miss her like crazy, dang I am right now, look at me, all teary eyed and shit. I wiped my face with my shirt and continued driving, I'm going straight to Gilinsky and Johnsons house, Matt will also be there. I know exactly what I need to do.
*Arrived at The Jacks place*
I knocked on their door and Johnson came to the door "Ayeee what's up bro!?" He said with a giant smile, me on the other hand, I was drowning and my eyes were bloodshot red. "Hey bro. Uh, can we, can we smoke? Or drink? Or both?" I asked and he looked at me confused and shocked "Sorry bro, I just wanna get drunk, me and Aubrey aren't on good terms at the moment and I wanna just, feel no pain and be happy," I sighed scratching my neck. Johnson understood and nodded "For sure man! Come on in," he said and I walked in their house. I don't smoke and drink at all but I'm an emotional person when it comes to Aubrey and I just feel the need to get drunk.
*After the process of getting hella wasted and hella drunk*
"Oh my gosh, I can't feel my fingersssss!" Slurred Gilinsky, "Hahaha. I cannntttt ffeeeellll my whoooole bodyyyy" laughed Johnson, I just sat there laughing my ass off for no reason and Matt was the one not drinking or smoking so he watched us to make sure we didn't do anything stupid. "Ohh shitt. Aubrey's gonna be pisssssed if she figured out Im doing thisss right nowww," I said, "Waaaait. I thought you and Mrs Grier got divorceddd?!" Johnson said confused. Gilinsky started laughing "Yeahhhh that's what I thought. I was bout to sayyyy, 'I call dibs on that asssss' Haha!" He slurred and I wanted to get up and sock him in the face. But high Johnson was just sitting there laughing with Matt. I squinted my burning eyes and looked at my phone, I had no missed calls or messages from Aubrey. I looked at the time and I think it said 118:0 but I'm pretty sure it's not 13:0. "Matttthewwww. What's the timeeee?" I shouted and his attention snapped to me, he looked at my phone, "1:30 in the morning bro," he said and handed me back my phone. "Okayyyy okay, it's not thatttt lateeee. I cannn still see my wifeee!" I said and got up and stumbled towards my shoes. "Bro! You can't drive Nash, you can barely put your shoes on?!" Matt said worried and got up "Plus, I have to watch these two, to make sure they don't get any more fucked up," he said. The doorbell rang and I ran to answer it because I wasn't even listening to what Matt said "Uh. Heheyyy!" I said to Sam and he laughed "Bro are you drunk?!" He bursted into laughter and Matt came to the door, "Cool, cool, your here!" He said and did a handshake with Sam. "Yeeeesssss! Let's go now now now!" I said and took Matts hand and dragged him to a car, I think it's Matts. He laughed "Okay fine. Sam watch the other two, their high and possible drunk too! I'll be out for 20 minutes the most!" He yelled and hopped in the drivers seat. "Lets gooooo toooo baes houuuuse!" I yelled and Matt covered his ears "Okay. First, put on your seatbelt dumbass," he said and I tried to but he ended up doing it for me. "Thank you Matttyyyy, thanksss!" I screamed and he laughed "No more screaming!" Matt said. I laughed and sang 'Tuesday' as Matt drove me to Aubrey's dorm. "Club goin' upppppp onnnn a Tuesssdayyyy, got yo girrllll in the cut and she choosey!!!!" I sung, then we arrived at her college dorm. "Okay I'll text you in 5, and if it's not going good, I'll pick you up to stay at the Jacks place, okay?" Matt asked, "Alrighty. I'll be goooood, bye now!" I yelled back.

Usually I don't publish/post more than one new chapter a day, but today I was feeling super duper cool so I posted 2 chapters. I'm not gonna post chapter 16 until I get at least 9 reads on chapter 13,14 and this chapter, 15. So tell your friends or family to read my story please!!!! I love you guys so much, thanks for reading! IF YOU WANT AN IMAGINE comment #bellalook and your name, and how you want the imagine to be (dirty, sweet, sad, scary, etc), and your hair color, height, fav thing to do, and how you want the story to start (if you have an idea in mind), then I shall see the comment and I'll start on an imagine for you beautiful babes!! 😍😍😘😘❤️ I'll only do imagines from February 4th - February 14th. So it's a ten day things you guys, so go go go!!!!

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