Part 12

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(Aubrey's POV)

We sat in the car in silence and Taylor stared at his feet, with no confidence in his eyes. "Taylor....You know I can't answer that," I said slowly, but as nice as possible "But Aubrey, you know your gonna have to make your decision soon," he said. I sat there in silence with my head down and Taylor started up the car and began driving back to my place. *After the car drive*. As soon as we pulled up Taylor sighed and I got out of the car, Taylor didn't get out "Tay. Aren't you gonna get out?" I laughed and he shook his head "I think it's best we don't hang out often Aubrey," he said with his head down and hands on the wheel (driving wheel thingy). "What do you mean not hang out often? Taylor were best friends!" I said beginning to feel sad, "We were. But I can't keep on being your 'best friend' okay. I like you Aubrey, and you don't like me back. Do you know how hurt I feel? To see that the girl I love is in love with another man, that loves her back too....Well it hurts Aubrey. I'm sorry," Taylor said and then he left me. I felt so broken now, I've lost everybody, I've lost Nash, and now Taylor. Taylor was my best friend, and I loved him so much, but now, I just ruined our whole damn friendship. I also almost lost Nash fully, like literally he almost jumped of a pier into the ocean, and died, and it was all my fucking fault. But, we bumped into each other for a reason that day I had an interview, so I need to figure out that reason. I ran inside my dorm and put on my big North Face jacket and a black beanie and as I grabbed my beanie off the shelf of winter-like items, something caught my eye. Nash's gloves he gave to me the first day we met. I slipped on the giant gloves and ran out the house, I caught a bus and told the guy the address. After a while we stopped at my stop and I payed the bus driver, I then got off and ran to Nash's house which is about one street away. I took a deep breath and knocked lightly on the door, *door opens* the door opens slowly and I see Nashly with puffy red eyes. Before he could say anything I leaned in and kissed his warm lips and entered myself into his house, I kicked the door behind me, not breaking the kiss and softly pushing Nash up against the wall as I was kissing him passionately. He moaned into the kiss and we ended it and I was blushing so much "I've been waiting for that to happen for a long time now. But why did you do it?" Nash whispered softly, "Because I believe there was a reason why we bumped into each other, and I chose you. I don't like Taylor like I like you," I whispered back. "You like me?!" He said surprised "No," I said quietly, his face went from surprised to sad in just one split second. "I love you," I said with a smile and he shot me a big smile and kissed me again. I felt fireworks going off and off and it just felt amazing kissing this guy. "I love you too," Nash mumbled into the kiss. We sat on Nash's bed together and cuddled "I never knew I'd bump into a stranger and fall desperately in love with her," Nash said, "Mmhmm, same. I still remember the first time we met, and I looked into your nice ocean blue eyes," i smiled imaging the sight of us first meeting in my head. "And I looked into yours, your beautiful brown eyes. I knew that you were MY princess, and I couldn't let you disappear," Nash said and I smiled like an idiot "I remember I couldn't say anything because I was literally memorized by your beauty, and all I could spit out was "Um....Hi," and I was so nervous. You made me very nervous when I bumped into you haha," he said laughing and he pulled me closer into his arms "Aww Nashyyy. I remember when you handed me your gloves with the cute little note and your number in the inside of them," I gushed and he smirked "Yeah, that was smooth wasn't it bae?" He laughed and I laughed "It was cute, it was cute.". Then I fell asleep in his arms and he also fell asleep too. We than woke up the next morning to Nash's brother Hayes and Nash's other brother and older brother Will arguing downstairs "No. No. No! NO! You can't win ugly!" One said, "Haha, I'm gonna win dork. And who you calling ugly, butthole!" They both yelled back and forth. I groaned in annoyance and Nash groaned too "Oh my gosh, they will not shut up," he whispered, I giggled at his comment and an idea popped in my head. I sat up on the bed and tapped Nash "Hey Nash, why don't we prank your brothers?!" I said with enthusiasm and he laughed "Alright babe, lemme get ready first," "Okay, I should get ready too," I replied and then he went in the bathroom and I changed into a Starbucks Coffee tank top, a grey&black cardigan, and some light colored jeans. I then added some black bud earrings and braided my hair into a low-side fishtail with some hair pieces left out. Then Nash came out with black ripped jeans and a red and blue and white striped flannel. He looked cute. "Do I look ok?" I asked Nash feeling unsure, "Yeah, you look prettyyyyyyy!" He said holding out the 'y'. I smiled and went into the bathroom to do some makeup "Babe, you don't have to put that on,lets just go downstairs," he whined "No, Nash it'll take 2 minutes, lemme just put a bit on so I don't look like a rat," I laughed. Nash came into the bathroom and smacked the makeup out of my hand before I could put any on, and flung my over his shoulder carrying my downstairs. "Nashhhh! Cmon I can't let your family see me with a rat face!" I whined, Nash laughed at me "Baby you don't have a rat face, you have a beautiful face," he said and I frowned, "Okay fine. But it'll be the only time your family sees me without makeup," I said. Nash sighed "Okay whatever," he laughed and placed my feet on the ground and pecked my lips. By the time we got downstairs Will and Hayes paused the game and were staring at Nash and I and we both were acting like nothing happened, we just walked into the kitchen, normally getting some food. "What's up guys, why are you staring?" Nash said toward his brothers. "WHOS THE GIRL?!" Hayes yelled like it's obvious, "Oh yeah, Hayes, Will, this is my girlfriend Aubrey." Nash said. Hayes and Will's jaw dropped to the ground, "How'd Nash get a girl like this one?!" He said to Hayes "I don't know, but ima get some before Nash does!" Hayes replied and jumped off the couch running towards me. Just as Hayes was a few inches away from me, Nash jumped in between us and kissed me rough and he moaned, I'm guessing to make Hayes jealous. Hayes scoffed and walked away to the fridge, "Okay bro, I get it. She's yours," Hayes groaned and Nash kept kissing me, with his hands roaming everywhere on my body, "OKAY BRO I GET IT," Hayes yelled and I ended the kiss and laughed. "Why'd you end the kiss?" Nash smirked, "Well don't wanna get it heated in front of your brothers. That'd be weird," I whispered and he laughed "Righttt, right." . So Nash and I got some Cinnamon Toast Crunch and some orange juice, we finished our cereal and Nash decided to have a jugging competition with the orange juice and I accepted. I heard Nash slam his cup onto the counter surface and breath out "Aaah". I sipped the last bit of juice and placed it in the sink and pretended to be upset "You butthole," I mumbled to Nash and he laughed "Uh, you know you love me. Andddd since I won, you owe me a full make out session before you leave me okay? So when I give you the green light, the make out session begins baby!" He yelled and I laughed "Ooh Nash get some!" Will yelled and I laughed even more. Then I just remembered "Oh hey babe, we forgot about the prank," I laughed again and Nash laughed too, "Aw whatever, we'll get them next time," he smirked and gave me a hug from behind, wrapping his hands around my waist, I smiled and then Nash's parents rushed inside the house with their hands full of groceries. "Hello my beautiful teenagers! And hello beautiful girl, who is this?!" his mother asked and Nash smiled "Mom and dad, this is Aubrey! My girlfriend!" He said and Nash's mom and dad looked surprised and I laughed "Oh my! My little Nashly's got a girlfriend....finally!" his mom said and he blushed with embarrassment and yelled "Mommmm stop!" And his dad chuckled "Wow Nash. That's the first a girl has EVER been attracted to you!" His dad said. After his dad said that, everybody downstairs was laughing their butts off but Nash, he was embarrassed and mad at his parents. "Aww Nashly, come hereee," I said and grabbed his hand, he came by me and wrapped his arms around me and hugged me then looked into my eyes, "I really wanna make love to you right no-" "Hamilton Nash Grier!" His mom stopped him and yelled, I giggled and he smirked as his mom rolled her eyes.

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