Part 24

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(Aubrey's POV)

I spoke and the guy shook his head "Well that's rude. Why would he ever break up with such a beautiful girl," he spoke softly as he continued staring in to the beach waves, leaving me silent. "I uh....I don't know," I replied a bit later and he looked at me with his bright brown eyes, and it felt as if we locked each others eyes together. I took in his cute looks, he had brown eyes, brown hair that was in a tall spiked up quiff (like Cameron Dallas' hairstyle), dimples, a orange Hollister T-Shirt, some bathing suit shorts (whatever you call it), and no shoes. He continued staring at me and I giggled "Whyy are you staring at me?" and blushed and turned my face away, he laughed "Because. Your so beautiful," he said in almost a whisper tone. I smiled and began to pack up my stuff "What are you doing?!" he asked and I giggled "Im packing. Why?" "Why don't you stayyy?" he whined and kicked the sand and I continued packing "Well my boyfriend and friend slash brother is probably worrying about me and I should get home because I'm hungry," I said and he chuckled. "Stay with me," he suggested sinply and I laughed sarcastically, "Stay with a guy who I just met, who's name I don't even know!" I replied and he laughed and got up on his feet "I meannnn, stay and get to know me. We can go to my house and I'll cook food for you and we can watch Netflix!" he said like it was the best idea on earth. He gave me a bright smile and I laughed "Okay fine...." I said waiting for him to say his name, "Oh yeah, um, Liam!" he said. I nodded, "Aubrey," I said and he than nodded and grabbed my bag, "Well let's go then, Aubrey!" he said with excitement and I giggled "Alright. But give me mt phone out of the front pocket of my bag please," I said and he handed me my phone. 10 missed messages from Nash, 9 missed calls from Nash, 7 missed messages from Dylan, 4 missed calls from Dylan also. I sighed and dialed Nash's number ~Phone Conversation Below~
N=Nash A=Aubrey

N- Babe! What the hell, where are you, are you ok!?

A- I'm fine

N-W-where are you I'll pick you up!?

A- Nash, no, please don't come pick me up I don't wanna see you


A- Your making this breakup harder, your moving tomorrow okay so let's just say goodbye right now, on the phone because it's easier, and not see eachother again. I love you, but, I can't make this breakup any harder so we will do it now. Alright?

N-....I don't understand

A-....I'm sorry Nash. I love you so much but goodbye

I rushed out my last words and hung up, I then dropped my phone and I fell to the sand, breaking down into a puddle of tears. Liam quickly dropped my stuff and ran to my side "Hey, hey, it's okay, it's alright, I gotchu, it's okay," he said trying to calm me down. He scooped me up in his strong arms and began carrying me, he grabbed my bag with his open hand and carried that too. I snuggled my head into his chest and closed my eyes as I cried and listened to Liam's warming voice "Shh, it's alright," he said repeatedly.

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