Part 25

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(Aubrey's POV)

"Shh, it's alright," he said repeatedly. A bit later I heard a door swing open and the sound of Liam's feet walking on wood floor. He placed me down on someones bed and leans down and brushes my hair out of my face, "Open your eyes Aubrey," he whispered softly and I then looked into his eyes "Now....Why is such a beautiful girl like you crying?" he asked and wiped my cheeks. I told him the whole story about why Nash and I are breaking up, and what we discussed on the phone and Liam supported me. "I am so sorry that had to happen. But if I were Nash, and I loved you truly so much, I would've stayed with you and waited until you finished college, then I would look at houses and apartments, for the both of us to live in together," he said and I was shocked. "And I w-would l-love that," I stuttered out, thinking about Nash, he looked at me and smiled. "C'mon lemme get you some comfortable clothes," he said standing up, I looked at myself, still in my bathing suit, so I nodded. I'd hate wearing a bikini all day if I had to. He took me into a different room in the beach house and handed me a pair of grey sweats and a baggy red Hollister hoodie, and a brush "These are all my things, but I hope they'll do, because I do notttt have a sister," he said questionably and I shook my head "No, no, these are fine," and ran to a bathroom and changed. I came out and pulled a few strands of hair from my messy bun and looked for Liam around his fancy beach house. "Liam?" I hollered out, with no answer, "Liam?" I yelled again and he popped out from behind the coach. I screamed and fell to the floor and Liam fell on top of me "Liam Payne get your big butt off me!" I giggled and he laughed "My last name is not Payne!" he laughed. He than rolled off of me and we laid on the floor, staring at the white ceiling, "So tell me, you live here alone?" I asked and he hesitated before sighing "Umm. Well yeah, it's my place. I own a beach house here, near the private beach which is also mine, and I stay here alot so I basically live here. But my family is actually in California, but whenever I visit it's nothing but chaos and chaos and chaos, so I don't visit them often. I have a job near here too, I am a vehicle designer and repair worker. I work for Ramone, which is the owner of the Lamborghini company," he said. I smiled "Woah. That's so cool, you think I could stay here some time? Well maybe not here but like, could I still go to your private mini beach area for a bit if it's alright with you?" I rushed my words and he chuckled "Your welcomed whenever you want Bella. I actually enjoy your company, I never usually hang around people much because I'm busy and a total loner!" he laughed. I laughed and sighed, reminding myself about Nash and I, and how were going to be breaking up soon. Nash was my life and I love him so much, it hurts to see him leave me behind as 'just an old ex-girlfriend' of his. Liam got up and went to his kitchen "Hey want some popcorn for the movie, orrr are you up for ice cream?" he asked and I brightly smiled "Ice cream please!" I yelled back and he nodded. I searched for a comedy movie on Netflix and Liam sat down on the floor by me "Whatcha doin down here? You can sit on the coach," he said, "Oh no I was saving that spot for you. So you can sit there," I said and he laughed "Well I won't argue with you so I'll just stay on the floor with ya," he said. I nodded and threw a giant blanket over us to share, I then started the movie as I ate my ice cream peacefully. I love the feeling of making new friends and best friends, it just feels so comforting and friendly!

Stay updated because next chapters a plot twisttttttt. Be ready my Nashty's

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