Part 10

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(Nash's POV)

I woke up this morning in my cold empty bed with sheets everywhere but on me. I was freezing cold, I through on a t-shirt and took a blanket downstairs with me to get some breakfast. I felt like crap so I didn't want to eat anything so I just got some orange juice. I filled the cup up all the way and walked to the coach and sat down my drink. I turned on the TV and saw 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire' show was on. It reminded me of Aubrey. Damn. Aubrey. I messed it up so much with her, and I lost her. I was overreacting and I yelled at my girl and now she's not even mine anymore, I'm not even sure if she was because she said she was gonna date taylor before she left me and I'm not even sure if she like likes him or not. But I think she does, but I could be overreacting again. I miss her so much I just wanna hold and be with my baby again, I really fucked up this time and it was all my fault. I should've just trusted her and never ease dropped in the first place.

(Aubrey POV)

I woke up this morning in a very comfortable bed and somebody sleeping next to me. I'm not sure who, and I'm not sure where I'm at either so I turned around and noticed the guys face and his hand around my waist holding me tight. Oh yeahhhh, I'm with Taylor now because of the situation with Nash. All these memories flew through my head about mine and Nash's argument. I can't believe he would do that to me, and now my pain is starting to come upon me and turn this day into a very very bad day. I hated it every time his name flew in my mind. Nash Nash Nash. Ow ow ow. My head hurt so bad. Just as I was trying my hardest not to think about him Taylor eyes peek open and look at me "Hey. How was your sleep princess? I missed you," he said in his sleepy voice. Damn it sounded so hot. "Hey Taylor. It was good, I missed you more," I said and squeezed him into a tight hug. He kissed my forehead and hugged back "Sorry we haven't seen each other much. I would've hung out with you but Nash and I kinda became a thing and we started hanging out a lot and he asked me out on a date and I said ya but then I called it off during the argument last night and I'm really pissed at him now. And now I'm here, with bae," I said all in one breath. His jaw clenched when I mentioned Nash but when I called Taylor 'Bae' he smiled. "It's fine. But may I ask how you guys started fighting in the first place?" He said and smiled cheekily. I sighed "Well he is jealous of you and I because we're so close and he thinks you flirt with me every time and we had an argument about that and stuff just went down," I said and he chuckled "Well why does he care, he's not your boyfriend," he said and I chuckled too "I know right," and he smiled at me. "Well I may flirt with you a lot more than I flirt with others, just because I'm cocky and weird, but I do flirt with you a lot because you mean so much to me and I love you," "Aww. Best friend. I love you so muchhhh," I said and laughed and placed my head on his shoulder while we were still laying down. "No Aubrey, I mean it. I mean what I said....I love you Aubrey," he said sounding serious and I shot my head up and instantly stopped laughing. He looked down at me and his smile faded away, "I'm sorry I'm sorry, I should've never said it during this position your put in. I'm sorry Aubrey please don't get mad-" he said all worried and I cut him off with a warm soft kiss. This kiss went on for a bit then I got on top of him and straddled him as he sat down with his arms around my waist "Aubrey. Are you okay with this?!" taylor mumbled shocked while still kissing me "Mhmm," I mumbled while kissing down to his neck. He slightly moaned and I smirked before I left 2 love marks on his neck "Ahhh," he said as I kissed his neck, and then he kissed down my neck, doing the same, leaving love bites on mine too. I think he marked his spot about 4 or 5 times on me, then my phone rang causing me to pull away and reach for my phone. I looked at it and tears started to slowly fall down my cheek. It was Nash who has texted me.
*Text Messages*
Nash- Aubrey I'm so sorry please forgive me, I know I yelled and I know I overreacted, I was a dick for that and I don't deserve you but I need you. Please Aubrey please come back
Nash- Aubreyyyyy I miss you so much I'm nothing without you. Please Aubrey give me one more chance
Nash-Please Aubrey please!!!!!
Nash-Please just answer me so I know your ok
Nash-Ok. Well goodbye Aubrey I'll see you later, gonna take a trip to the pier. Goodbye Aubrey I will always love you.

The last message was sent 25 minutes ago. Damn. Nash is gonna jump off the pier and he's gonna get hurt, he could possibly die! "Aubrey, Aubrey, what's wrong what's on your phone? Who texted you?" Taylor said in a worried tone. I handed him the phone and he read the messages, "Oh shit," he mumbled quietly. "Cmon it takes 10 minutes to get there, lets go!!!!" I yelled and he followed behind. I threw on some of Taylor's sweatpants and one of his giant hoodies and threw my hair in a bun. I look pretty hit but who cares, we got in the car and Taylor quickly drove to the pier,"Hey, we both have to cover up, I'm sure we have marks all over each other's neck," Taylor said calmly and I gasped and pulled down the mirror thing in the car. I saw 5 hickeys all over my neck and I pulled my hoodie up as far as possible. Taylor pulled his hoodie up too and we arrived at the pier, I hoped out of the car and ran with my feet sinking into the cold sand. It was still winter and the beach was closed but the pier wasn't so I ran and ran and got down to the end of the walkboard/pier walkway. I saw Nash shirtless at the end of the walkway shivering. His feet were half on the walkway and half off, ready to fall in, and right as he started tipping I ran and grabbed his arms "Nash! Nash no!" I yelled and caught his arm, he was about to die. So now I was holding his right hand as strong as I could and he was hanging of the boardwalk "Aubrey! Wth I thought you didn't care about me anymore?!" "Nash, I never said that! I would never say that. I said I didn't care about us being a thing anymore. But I only said it because you were yelling and overeating!" I yelled back. He took a long sigh "Im so so so so sorry Aubrey I love you so much. I didn't mean anything I said and I just want you back. I am a complete dick but please, please just forgive me!" He yelled.

Shit shit shit. Excuse my language but shit. It's going down. Nash overreacted and yelled at Aubrey. Aubrey left Nash for Taylor. But Aubrey doesn't like Taylor shes best friends with him. But they kissed because she needed a distraction. Nash was gonna jump off a cliff. Right before Aubrey came and nearly caught him. Now ima leave you guys with a cliff hanger. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 HAHAHAH get it? Get it? Cliff hanger!!!! Yeah that was cheezy. My bad. That kinda was a short chapter but I got homework from the she devil but Imma update again soon! So bye baes!! 😊💕💕

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