Part 47

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(Nash's POV)

Were less than 5 minutes away and I've been yelling at Cameron for the past 20 minutes because he's been taking all the wrong turns on the road "Cam, I said turn left here!" I yelled. He glanced at me then returned his attention back on the road, "Wait, take a right here?" he loudly asked in confusion and I sighed "No Cameron a left!" I said and he hastily shook his head and made a left. Sometimes I think this boy has been dropped on the ground at least once when he was a baby, just his parents never told him. We are so close to Nigel's hideout, I just know it, it's like I can feel it but really it's the past coming back to my head as memories. I know Nigel is going to bring up the deal we've made only years ago, but I'll do whatever it takes to get Aubrey back. Also I still have that video in the back of my mind but I'd do anything for Aubrey no matter what happens or what had happen and I know she'd do the same for me, so after all of this is settled and over, we will talk. Finally, we pulled up to the small and destroyed building that looked very wealthy and big on the inside. The same building I've visited way too many times in the past. I always thought I would never return to this place, but I am, right now, so I cautiously stay alarmed and be ready for anything to happen. Cameron and I get out of the car and walk to the door, it was unlocked so we lurked inside quietly and walked straight, turned corners, and went into different room. There was always so many different room Nigel would have in this building, it was almost like a mansion full of so many room. Nigel could practically live her, but no, this is where he handles his business and this is where he holds Aubrey as well. Cameron stops behind me for a minute, holding my arm so I'd stop too as him and I hear yelling than a gun shot. My eyes go wide and I instinctively think that's Aubrey and run towards the gun shot sound, which is echoing through the building. "No! Nash!" Cameron yells but I still keep running to hopefully find Aubrey, my heart is racing, my palms are sweaty, my head hurts, and my heart is still broken but yet I still keep going, running through the halls and in and out of random rooms. I do it for Aubrey though.

(Aubrey's POV)

Nigel coldly chuckles to himself "Wow I think another person came to help rescue you Aubrey! I guess that leaves me another person to kill," he chuckles again, grips the silver gun and walks towards the noise. I look at Casper and he looks at me like Nigel's crazy, funny, I'm thinking the same thing. "Nigel!" I yell and he turns around with a grin, giving me full attention from him "Need anything deary?" he asks in his stupid thick accent, I sigh "Please don't kill them, they didn't do-" I was cut off by him interrupting me "No! They did do something! They did! It was part of the deal okay? You don't know about it but guess what? I'm gonna spill the beans! Yeah, I am going to be the one to break it to you before your ex does it. Wouldn't you rather listen to me than the guy who lied behind your back!" he yells at me like a mad man, and I flinch at nearly every word. "Nigel calm down, you don't know what your thinkin-"  Casper starts to say but is also interrupted by Nigel's deafening voice "No that's were you're wrong Richard, I know what I'm thinking! I know exactly what I'm thinking and I am going to tell you the deal between Nash and I!" he yells at Casper and I, I sigh waiting for him to tell me, I can't stop him because I wanna hear his side of the deal or story, even though I may not talk to Nash after what he's said about me, behind my back. Even if I wanted to I couldn't because it would just cause more yelling. "So as you know, Nash and I had made a deal in the past. Nash was a part of my crew, that was kind of like a gang too. We would kill, sell drugs, steal, trespass in places we weren't suppose to, take advantage of girls, everything, you name it. Anyways, Nash here was like the second crew leader, I trusted him the most, but, that all turned around one day. I ordered Nash to-" before he could finish his story, I was kind of interested in hearing, two boys stumbled in, both out of breath. Nigel turned around and Casper and I looked behind Nigel and I saw Nash and Cameron. I knew Nash would come to save me some time, he just took a while. "Nigel. Leave Aubrey and whoever that is out of this," Nash spoke, referring to Casper, I looked at Casper and he gave me a small smile which I returned then Nash spoke again "This is about you and I. The deal was only between you and I and now I'm here to handle this like a man, take Aubrey and leave, then we can go on with our lives alright?"and Nigel shook his head in a repeating motion "No, no, no, nope. You're not getting through this easily Nash you can't just think you can come here, expect to settle things calm, then take your girl and leave, it's not gonna be that way. You betrayed me Nash. So, this is what you get in return, than you can leave with your dead girl," he says that last part fast and everyone's eyes go wide except Nigel's, his eyes are on his silver gun and everything stops and it feels as if everything happens in slow motion. I hear Nash yell "No!" extremely loud but something still overpowers his voice, and it's the gun shot. The gun shot that ends my life right there. I feel everyone's eyes on me as I get shot in the upper chest and my chair flies back to the ground, sending me down as well. I don't know what's happening because my vision went all blurry, but I feel an excruciating burning sensation going through my body, I became weak and lost all coordination. I was thinking sure I was gonna die because of the pain and the blood puddling around me. Then I was thinking shit I've been fucking shot! Help me help me I don't want to die! Somebody please help me!

That was intense. But comment/vote if you enjoyed it or not :) And hey babes, stay updated, because the next chapter is going to be a teaser of my new story Trying To Score so please read it, I worked really really hard on it so far and I'm so excited for you all to read it when I publish it! Love youuuu!!

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