Part 8

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(Aubrey's POV)

Shortly after....the situation with Nash I went home and I was so pissed at myself. I can't believe I actually had sex with Nash fucking Grier. I don't even know him that well, we just me, were not even dating, I don't even know if he likes me, he could be using me its just all, ugh. All these questions and crazy possibilities kept running through my head until I saw my room-mate slowly approach me, "Hey. Um I'm gonna be moving out soon, so um now you can put your gross stuff on my side of the room when I leave. And um, I hope your sad, because not a lot of people get to be room-mates with The Tiffany Peterson. So I hope your mad. And I hope you never get a boyfriend, oh wait, I already know it's not gonna happen," she laughed with her annoying squeaky voice. I swear I just wanna pop this bitch in the face sometimes. Tiffany is faker than Barbie. "Well I'm actually happy that your moving out, because now, me and my boyfriend get to have some more alone time together," I lied and acted all peppy like her, than smirked. All out of nowhere I felt this rush of confidence come through me as Tiffany had a shocked expression on her face "Omg. Aubrey Monroe with a boyfriend? I can't even. Like, literally I can't. You totally have to introduce me to this nerd," she said and rolled her eyes, "Yeah. I totally do," I snapped back and that made her walk right out the door. I sighed and turned off the lights and pulled the covers up to my neck, I then turned on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire (I love that show so much) and soon fell asleep after about 3 and a half episodes.
*The next morning*
My eyes peeked open too see bright blue eyes staring right back at me. I rubbed my eyes and sat up thinking this was a dream. "Good morning beautiful," he said and took a seat near me on the bed, I flinched and nearly screamed "Nash! How the fuck did you get in here? How do you know where I live, you stalker!?" I said in a sleepy voice, he laughed and "Well, I wanted to talk to you about some stuff and I texted you I was coming but you never answered. I thought you were mad and so I got you flowers and came to your house, then nobody answered the door so I looked under the mat and POW! An extra set of keys," he breathed out all at once. Still making it sound easy on how he set up this whole plan. I slightly giggled and shook my head "Nash, Nash, Nash. Why would you go through all of this? Wait no, tell me why your here instead," I commanded and he smiled and handed me flowers. They were red roses, which also matches his red and black plaid flannel he was wearing, how cute. I blushed and placed them on my desk "Thank you so much Nashyyyy," I dragged out his name and hugged him tightly. I was just ready to pull out of the hug but Nash scooted me closer to him "Come backkk. I wanna cuddleeeeee," he whined, I laughed and sat in between his legs and I put my head on his chest while he put his big hands in mine. "So. I wanted to talk to you about us," he stated and took a deep breath "I swear, I will not tell anybody that we had sex without your permission and just saying now, Hayes already knows, he heard us, and I swear I did not use you to get into your pants Aubrey. I like you, a lot and I actually wanted to know if you wanted to maybe go on a real date with me tomorrow?" He flashed me a giant smile and I looked up at him and smiled "Of course Nash I would love that. And cool, cool, glad to know I'm not just a one night stand thing," I laughed and he laughed too and sneaked a kiss on my cheek "I seriously, am in love with you Aubrey," he smiled and I paused. What am I suppose to do? What do I say? Why would he say it so quickly? He spoke up again "I'm so sorry, was it too soon?!" He said panicked and worried, I laughed "Kinda. But it's okay. I'm glad you actually like like me back" I said giggling and he laughed along.

Wattpad wouldn't let me fit all of chapter 8 on here so read chapter 9 nowwwwww!!!!!! Ily. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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