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The artwork is not mine. Check out Wixlyn for their awesome comics.


I awoke in Reds' bed. I have been for the last few days. I remember what happened a few days ago and I smile to myself. I look down at Red and she's still asleep. I notice Jack is still here, but asleep. I forgot about him, again.

I slowly leave the bed. I walk into the bathroom so I can vent into my and Pinks' room. I think about what Black said. I remember the events down at the surface and how I learned more about myself.

'Ok, lets' test this. How should I do this? Um, Hello? Uh, Imposter side of me you there?' I laugh at myself.

'Yes I'm here' It responds

'Wow I thought you were gone'

'Nope, the second you hear the voice means you can talk to me anytime.'

'Oh, well. Ok then, I just wanted to make sure you were real.'

'Ok then, make sure to kill Pink'

At that I remember how I hate Pink. A pure goodie-to-shoes. I hate him. Me and Black'll kill him.

I open the vent to my room. I glance aground before hopping out and putting on my suit. When I put my helmet on Black vents in.

"You ready?" Black asks in Poluson. He's trying to figure out how I know it.

"Can we kill Pink? I hate him very much." I respond in Poluson. Black nods his head and I follow him through the vent system.

"Right now he's in the Lab area, and right now we're in reactor." Black says. I nod my head and squeeze past Black.

"Heh, Tiny Cyan" Black chuckles. 

"Shut it" I say and hop out the vent. The Reactor at MiraHQ is very very strong. If it breaks down and blows, it will kill the entire building. I shudder at the fact.

I resize in my suit and hear Black groan. I glare at him and he smiles.

We walk over to Pink in the Lab.

"Top or bottom?" Black asks in human. I give him a look that says 'really?'. He chuckles. Even Pink is looking at him weird.

"I guess top, and let me do it." I respond in human.

"Do what?" Pink asks. Suddenly the doors shuts behind me. I walk forward. Pink realizes his fate.

"BLACK! HELP ME!" Pink screams. I corner him and pull out my knife. Custom made and special to me.

"Sorry Pink, but you're not my fav either." Black responds. The little hope in Pinks' eyes dies. Horror and fear replaced it. He knows he's done for.

I stab him in the chest, right above his heart. He screams. I get close, right next to him.

"I've always hated you Pink" I whisper. I push the knife further and he screams for the last time. 

Tears stream down his face. I back up and pull the knife out. and Pinks body falls to the ground with his helmet shattering. Through the broken glass I see his lifeless hazelnut eyes.

"You go ahead." Black says.

"I've..." I start. Black leans closer.

"I've never really done this before, usually I just black out and wake up full. I... I don't know what to do." I say looking at Pink. 

"Oh, so that's why I never saw you hunt. That wasn't really you." I nod my head. I look to him with a clutching of the chest, asking for help.

"Well, I never thought I'd teach you." I shrug my shoulders.

Black walks up and grabs Pink by the shoulder and leg.

"Watch and learn Cy." He starts to pull. I watch with fascination in my eyes. A few seconds later Black rips Pink in half. Blood splatters everywhere.

"Wow" I whisper. Black grins and opens his mouth, ripping through his suit. He morphs his arm a bit longer and leans back. Black uses the elongated arm to lift up Pinks' waist and drops it in his mouth. He leans forward again and fixes his arm. He start crewing and finishes off Pinks' legs.

He looks over to me, then to Pinks' top half. I gulp a bit and step forward. Black walks back and leans on a wall.

'Hey, I need your help. I don't know what you always did, but I need you to eat this for me please' I ask in my head.

'Sure thing.' It responds. Suddenly I lose control of my body and watch myself eat the rest of Pink brutally. 

Black uncrosses his arms and leans off the wall. He looks amazed and horrified on how I ate Pink. I gain control over my body again.

"W-wow. I um, I never thought you did... That.." Black says. I look over to him while my body fixes my suit. I walk over to the cupboards and grab the towels. I clean myself off and throw the towel at Black. He catches it with shaky hands. I smile on how I scared him, the Alpha of the strongest group on Polus.

After that we just talk. Black cleans off and asks how my suit is fixed. I laugh and don't respond. We don't need skin suits, that's just our body making different skin, so it's just the outer layer of the suit that we need. Well... Me and Black needs it. We aren't pros at shapeshifting.

I unlock the doors and we walk through the hallways, talking about random stuff. We get glances at a few other early birds and we just ignore them. 

Over that time, I really changed on how I feel about him. Ever since White died, I guess I just got closer to him. I mean, our lives are similar. We both were human, we both got turned, and we both kill. I guess since White died, I've kinda looked up at Black as a grandpa kind of. He's grow more nice recently too. Since we came here, Black's been nicer. Strange.

"Hey uh, Black" I start.

"Yeah kid?" He responds.

"Um, what are your views on me? Relation wise." I ask. He stops and looks at me. I look back.

"Well, you're kinda like a grandkid. It's strange too." He says. I chuckle a bit.

"I'm starting to see you as a grandpa and no longer like a nuisance too!" I respond. We both laugh and continue our walk.

Black is a good person, it's just I never saw that before. Since I need his help to control my new abilities, I believe we'll be a good team.

I wonder how Red's doing?



Tada! My little chapter. Man this book has grown so much. I know it's expected, and ur pob gonna skip this, but thank you for looking at my attempt at a story. Ya'll are so kind and I can't thank you enough. Once more, sadly, thank you for looking at a once expected unpopular book. Thanks again


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