Unknown Death

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Boom, we got a Rock Glider. At least this is what I imagine them to look like. Hope you like it!


"Stay back everyone" Black says in Polision. Me and the rest of the crew are all huddled up at the center of the base. Polisions of all types are around us. It's currently dawn, and Seria will have to leave soon. Cyan is somehow keeping them from getting close, and Seria and Black are helping him.

"We're ok" I say quietly to the others around me. They're scared, I can tell.

"Why are there so many?" Yellow asks. Since he knew first hand the battle of Alphas, he knows that Polisions are vicious, so he's keeping the group calm while I say things to Black just in case.

Soon Black walks over. Seria looks over to us with a sad look, before running through the crowd and leaving to where she needs to be.

"Ok, so the only way to let these guys leave is if they can look at you all. So one of you will have to come up next to Cyan so I can stop them from coming over here, but crowding to over Cyan. They can tell he's the Alpha, so whoever is chosen will be safe." Black says, staring one of the closer Polisions down.

"I say we send Red, she's dealt with them before!" White shouts. I look over my shoulder to look at them. It is true though, I've dealt with Polisions, but only Black and Cyan.

"I will do what's needed for the team." I say, walking forward. Suddenly Jack grabs my arm.

"Are you sure? We don't know what to do if you die!" Jack says to me. Black places a hand on his shoulder.

"She'll be safe, she's got Cy" Black says calmly to him. His tone, it terrifies me. That's how I know it's true.

"I'll be fine" I say. Jack hesitates, but let's go of my arm. I take a deep breath and walk over to Cyan. The Polisions around me watching me.

It seems all of time slowed down. Surrounded by beings unknown to me, walking to a creature even stronger. Polisions roar and growl around me.

"Ashisto" I say right behind Cyan. Cyan turns' around and looks at me.

"Why are you here?" He asks in human. His voice is rough and horse. He must've been yelling at them.

"I've come so that the others will be safe. Black told me the only way to stop a Polision is letting it get something it wants. These ones want to see me and the crew." I say, looking around. Cyan shakes his head.

"Go, I want you to be safe-" "I know you want me to be safe, but I hope that this way will help. Can't you tell, the Polisions seem angry? Look at them, they look curious, and they might kill one of us, they can kill Green, Purple, Yellow, Jack! They can kill them." I yell at him, cutting him off. He flinches and I don't notice but everyone's eyes are on us, even the Polisions.

"Let them look at me, more closely. The others are too scared. I've dealt with Polisions, you and Black, but let me help." I say harshly. Slowly, the Polisions swarm around us, watching us.

"But-" I hold up my hand in front of him. "No buts"

By then I notice we're surrounded by Polisions. A wall of bodies block my visions of my crew.

"Cyan, can you tell them to move?" I ask. Cyan shakes his head.

"They are doing what you want, examining you." Cyan looks at me with pity.

The Polisions come closer, and I hear screams. Human screams.

"BLACK?! YELLOW?! GREEN?!" I yell. I get no response.

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