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Imma post Polision, but read the Authors note at the bottom to find out why I don't have a pic here right now.


It's been a few days since Browns death. Cyan has been out a lot, doing what ever he does. I've been making sure this place doesn't shut down. White has joined what Green and Purple call the Survivors Of Hell, since his lover died too. It's strange, really. The 3 just stick together and talk about everything. Green even reveled his true self to them, and now they simp for him.

"Out of the way, Imposter" Jack purposely hits my shoulder, passing me with his tablet in the hall. Something has changed with him. He's been mean to me, Black, and Cyan recently, and that's caused some anger to him. People has started calling him Blue instead of Jack, and it hurts him. Being called Jack is a sign of respect to him. Where did that joyful boy go?

I sigh, annoyed with him. I keep walking though the hall until I reach Lab, or Laboratory.

"You good, Reddy?" Lemon asks when I walk out of the hall.

"Yeah, just stressed about what's going. Jack's being an ass again, and the surprise of Seria everything is just so hard." I complain to him, leaning on the table and leaning my head on my hand.

"Oh, well why don't you take a day off?" Lemon asks. I sigh.

"I can't do that, Jack will try to get rid of us and no one else is qualified to keep everyone in check, also no one knows how to work the Comms." I explain. Lemon seems to think.

"I got an idea! Is Cyan and Black free?" He asks. I hum in question but grab my tablet, checking if Cyan is free.

"Black is, and If I tell Cy to show up now then he'd be here in like 10 minutes." I say. "Why?"

"Oh nothing, tell Cy to come over." Lemon says before running off. I shrug and contact Cy, saying Lemon has something planned and needs him and Black. He responds by saying he's on his way back and sends a picture of a baby Void Polision. I send back a smiley face.

I continue to finish off my tasks, and soon the Emergency button goes off. I freak out and run over to the room.

Soon I get there, right behind me is Jack. Lemon is standing proud and is smiling like an idiot.

"Did something happen?" Green asks panting slightly.

"No, I just thing everyone should take 3 days off of work!" Lemon says proudly. Everyone looks at him.

"So this is why you made Red call me here, so you can tell all of us to stop and chill?" Cyan hisses. Lemons smile fades and he nods.

"I like it!" Black butts in. Everyone stays silent, but soon they start agreeing.

"Wait, what about our tasks?" I ask, making everyone groan.

"Shove them on Blue, since he's been a ass for the past few days!" Lemon suggests. Jack starts protesting. I look over to him and he glares at me.

"I'm fine with it" I say and Jack gives me a look of hatred. Everyone agrees and we all leave, giving Jack our tasks, leaving him with 49 tasks.

I walk over to my dorm, which Is now empty. I open the door and walk over to my bed, which is still dyed a horrible pink from Jack. I take off my helmet.

"You alright, cap?" I turn around to see Cyan leaning on the doorway.

"No" I sigh. Cyan closes the door and walks over, hugging me. I hug him back.

"I needed this" I say, but it's muffled by his chest. He pats my head and rubs circles on my back.

"We've all been stressed, I've made sure that the Polisions don't kill anyone else, and you've been keeping order here. You and I need some cuddles, don't we?" He says. I nod my head and look up to him.

"And kisses?" I whisper. He chuckles and nods. "And kisses"

He leans down and pecs my lips, making me pout. He laughs lightly and kisses me. I smile in it. It slowly becomes more heated, but soon I get to tired to continue, much to my dismay. As I slowly fall asleep in my lovers arms, I see in the corner there's something, but I can't tell what it was.


I wake up alone. Understandable. I wake up cold. A bit strange but no complaints. And I wake up with something in my arms, that is warm and moving.

I look down at what's in my arms, not registering what it is at first.

"Sawubona" The little creature says. I finally realize what it is, and freeze.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask the little Farsky.

"Ini?" It says. I can't understand it, and it seems it can't understand me as well.

"Ashi, where are you?" I whisper hoping that the little Polision won't hurt me.

"Ashi? Ashito?" It asks. I nod, it knows his name.

"Uh," I think, what are the lovers of the Polisions called? Mates? Sevgili? Nagmamahal?

"I Ashitos' mate?" I say to it.

"Alpha mate?" It says. I nod. It seems to smile and jumps up, dancing.

"Alpha mate! Alpha mate! I itholakele Alpha mate!" It cheers. I smile awkwardly.

"Hey, Red, can I come in?" Black suddenly asks from the door.

"I-Beta!" The little Polision says. It bows while I say yes, and the doors open.

"Uh? What is that doing here?" Black asks me. I shrug.

"I-Beta, wamukelekile" The Polision says. Black looks at it and nods.

"Ngiyabonga" Black responds. Black turns around and closes the door.

"Ayağa kalk" Black says. The Polision nods and gets up, running back over to me.

"Umama! Umama lona!" It says jumping up and down pointing at me.

"What's it saying?" I ask Black, while the little Polision keeps saying 'Umama' to me.

"I've got no clue. I know only the words Cyan told me, and I only know Ngiyabonga, wamukelekile, Ayağa kalk, Sawubona, and kuhle usale kahle" He says to me.

I shrug my shoulders, looking down at the little Polision. "I think it's a baby" Black says suddenly. I nod and look down at it.

"ukudla?" It says. I shrug. It signs 'Food' in ASL.

"Oh! It's gesturing food in ASL back on Earth. Maybe it's hungry!" I say. The Farsky jumps up and down. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Black opens it to Cyan, who looked like he just ran a marathon.

"There's a Yellowgray here"



I am laaaaatttteeee! Again! Great. Sorry about the 11 day wait, been a bit busy. I'm finally gonna stop being dead on discord, so I'm starting to get busy with the other story I'm working on with a few other people, and I'm going to try and hang out with someone special. Basically I've been pretty busy internet wise. I'm gonna post again, I am gonna die, but I will post when I come alive. Anyways, have a great day or night, and enjoy yourself.


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