Panic Room

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I walk down the hallways, looking for the dorms. I've been here for two weeks, but still haven't learned where they are. I see Yellow scolding Lime for running again when I pass Medbay. I chuckle at them. I see my door in view after awhile and run inside, not knowing I was followed.

"Right, I have the clippers somewhere..." I said to myself when I enter my bathroom. My voice was much more clear because my helmet was off.

"Why do you need clippers?" A voice asked. I jumped and turned around, seeing Black. He looked... Confused?

"I uh... I just need to trim my nails!" I laughed off, hiding my claw behind my back. I smile awkwardly as I watch Black with fear. Cyan can't save me.

"Why are you here?" I ask, but he doesn't respond.

"Why haven't you done it?" He asks. My smile drops and I put on a face of confusion, the fear in my eyes gone.

"Done what?" I ask. Blacks waves his hand a bit over to my tablet, suggesting I close the doors. How did he know?

"N-no, not without Cy first" I say, backing up a bit. I hear crawling in the vents, suggesting Cyan is in there. I sigh with relief.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just want to ask some questions." He says, head turned to the vent. I nod my head and move closer to the vent. Surprisingly, Black moved closer to the door.

I bring up my tablet and close the resting quarters doors.

"Why haven't you killed me yet? Ejected me? Thrown me into the sky?" Black asks as soon as the doors close. I was caught off guard.

"This isn't like him..." Cyan whispers. Black didn't seem to notice.

"W-what do you mean Black?" I counter.

"You know who the Imposters are. Me and Cyan, you know that. I've figured out it was pointless to shatter your bond with Cyan, so I gave up killing you, but you could've killed me to be safer." Black says. He takes off his helmet, and for the first time, I see a sad and regretful face. Not a sly grin, a horrible smile, or a blank slate.

"You can kill me, and I want to die now. Jack and the others understands and will listen to you, so you can eject me and you'll save your crew." He says tearing up. I back up a bit at his sudden attitude.

"So why spare me? After all I've done?!" He's yelling now. Cyan shuffles a bit, preparing to jump out if needed.

"Why spare the monster that killed you best friend Lime?!" He shouts at me, tears like black waterfalls falling off his face. I've never seen Black cry, or even sniffle. Cyan seems put off by the event.

"Why?" He whispers, falling to his knees. He covers his face silently crying.

"I just want to die... I want to return to Polus..." He whispers. I take a step forward, and I hear Cyan shuffling as I do.

I walk up to Black, looking down at his state. Sad, Regretful, Painful, Sorrow, but worst of all, Heart-Broken.

"Black..." I start, feeling pity on the Imposter.

"You've done wrong things, I see that, but you've changed. You clearly regret doing what you did, so change your ways and kill other humans..." Black looks up at me. Regret and confusion plastered on his face. I didn't mention that it seems like he likes someone.

"O-other humans?" He asks. I nod my head and crouch down.

"Other humans. Kill those who are mean, cruel and heartless. Keep those who deserve to live alive. Pink was annoying, so I don't mind that you killed him. Black..." I look him in the eyes, black colored tears coming from voids of gray color filled with sorrow.

"You don't want to kill your friends, so don't. I'll keep your secret. You can go to the other floors to eat. You and Cyan." At the mention of Cyan, he came out of the vent. He resized himself and walked over, getting on his knees to hug Black. I join in and we hug each other.

"I forgive you Black" I say. Cyan stops hugging Black as he crys into my shoulder.

I pat Blacks' back while he crys. I look to Cyan and he gets up.

"I'll leave you two alone, stay safe" Cyan turns into his smaller form and slips into the vents. I look back at Black, and I chuckle that not one, but two Imposters cried on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" Black keeps ranting. I shoosh him and make him look at me. Unlike Cyan when he cried, Blacks' eyes and cheeks are light blue.

"Breath, I know you probably don't need to, but the action with help." I say. I smile sweetly as he does it. Soon he calms down enough to stop crying.

"Good boy" I say.

"Shut it" I laugh a bit.

"Thank you Red, you've been the only one to help me" Black says in my shoulder.

"Velvet" I say.

"What?" He asks.

"My name is Velvet, call me that when we're alone with Cyan" I say. He nods his head.

"I forgot my human name" He mumbles. I rub his back a bit.

"You regret doing the things you did, so tell me, where do you want to go?" I ask. Black moves his head so he can see me.

"I want to go back to Earth, back to before my life changed. But I can't. I'm the Alpha on Polus, so I need to go back." He says, tucking his head back into my shoulder. I rub his back a bit more.

"Why not give the role to Cyan? Or another Imposter?" I ask.

"I can't, I can't give a random Polision the Alpha role. They need to earn it, by fighting me. I need to use my strength in order to fight, meaning I'll kill the Imposter before it gets even a scratch on me. It's how I became Alpha. I killed hundreds of Polisions until they made me Alpha." He explains. I nod my head.

"What if you fake it?" I ask. Black sighs.

"I can't fake it, I'll get very aggressive when challenged, meaning I won't fake it. It's part of being powerful, any lower life form that challenges me if worthless and they must be killed." He says. I nod my head and think. What can we do? Every Polision is scared to challenge him.

"Perhaps fake your death?" I suggest.

"Can't do that either, Polus is already in chaos without me there. If I die then my colony is dead." He responds.

"Then what can we do?" I ask.

"I need a challenger that can actually fight me. But I don't know anyone." He says, still hugging me.

"You're like a pillow" He whispers. I smile.

"Oh! I have an idea!" I say. Black turns his head to look at me.

"Why not ask Cyan! We can put up a stage!" I say.

"Can't do that either, the scent of victory and my blood must come off of him to become Alpha. I've caught many fake Alphas before that were trying to take my spot." he responds. I huff.

"What the hell can we do then?" I ask.

"I know" I jump at Cyans' voice when he hops out of the vent. Me and Black look a him.

"You said you don't want to be Alpha? To go back to Earth?" He asks Black. He nods his head.

"Very well..." Cyan fixes his size and Black stands up. 

"Polus Alpha Zoroto Black Death..." Cyan starts. Black clenches his fists, straightening his posture, and growling a bit. Guess he doesn't like being called his full name.

"I challenge you for the spot of Alpha for the Colony Veroca"



I spent like... 6 chapters trying to get to this moment. Challenging a Alpha is serious business, so Cyan might die, especially if he challenges Black. Welp he just did. So have a cliffhanger while I try to make a OK fight scene. Wish me luck and I hope you like it and thanks for reading!


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