Old Friends

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"Hey kid..." I open my eyes to see a figure.

"How'd you end up here? Your ship just left so why'd you stay?" It asks. My ship? Oh. Yeah. My mommy and daddy left me here. They said it was just a big daycare. I'm starting to think not.

"Listen kid, you're not human. I'm disappointed but at the same time you're not Polision. What are you kid?" It asks. Polision? Sounds like that planet Polus. The planet my mommy and daddy said was safe.

"Speak." It says. I look us at it. It looks human, but stranger. It has pale yellow skin, some kind of mouth on its' belly, and weird black tendrils coming from its' back. It has a relatively human like face.

"Ugh listen kid, I don't know what you are, but I want to bring a gift back to the colony so that a*sshole new Alpha will add me to his team to explore the humans. You'll be my gift to him when I find out what you can do." Alpha? It bends down and it stares at me. It scans me up and down. I look at myself. I have a ripped up cyan suit.

"Hm, well, you have no shell on your head like the other ones, so you're totally not human. What's you name if you have one?" It asks me. I have a name? No... No I don't.

"I don't have a name..." I answer.

"Huh, neither do I! Well when we get back to the colony remember to say 'Sir Zoroto' to the Alpha. He's big and wears some kind of Back suit that looks like yours. He likes to call himself that. Though I'd prefer to call him Alpha instead." It says. I stand up. It starts to walk over and catches some kind of mouse like thing. It walks back over and hold out the mouse.

"Eat this" It says. I touch the creature and suddenly it screams. Sharp things and tendrils burst from its' body. The humanoid drops the thing and it dies.

"Wow! What the hell did you do tp this thing?! You'll make a fine gift!" The humanoid says. He grabs my gloved hand and drags me over to a large plot of land with thousands of other humanoids.

Soon we end up in a line and they catch another mouse thing. Soon we end up in the front. 

"Hello my friend. What do you bring today to join my team?" The Alpha says to my humanoid.

"I bring this creature. It's not human nor Polision, and it has some kind of power! I believe you will be pleased with this." I walk forward and the humanoid hold out the mouse for me to touch.

"Demonstrate." The Alpha says. Such a dark suit, looks like the night sky without stars.

I hold out my ungloved hand and touch the mouse. It bursts out with tendrils and screams. The other humanoids behind us back up and watch the mouse die.

"Impressive. It will do. You, my friend, Will be called White. From now on you call me Black. This thing here seems to wear a cyan color suit, so call this thing Cyan. Glove its' claws at all times." The Alpha says. I have a name. Cyan... My name is Cyan.

"Yes sire, thank you for this opportunity." White says.

"Follow the Polision behind me, bring the creature with you. You will learn to shapeshift into a human form. Don't kill the human we got." Black growls. White obliges and follows the humanoid. I follow close behind.

Soon we're in some kind of building. In one of the rooms in it is a human figure without clothing. It looks strange and it's in some kind of metal box. I stand by the door next to the humanoid  guard while White changes his form.

"Remember to get the white suit!" The guard yells in.

"Will do!" White thanks.

"Hey kid, why is the Alpha putting you on the ship?" The guard suddenly asks. I shrug my shoulders and see another humanoid walk out with some small cyan suit.

"Here you are little guy!" The humanoid gives me the suit carefully. I try not to touch them. They tell me to follow them and to put the suit on. When I get into the building I see a human male. Kind of.

"I don't like this form" He mumbles as I pass. We get to a small white room and the humanoid leaves. I put on my suit carful not to hurt my bloody back. Soon I have it on and I'm ready to go.

I walk out to see White in his suit.

"Hey kid, well, Cyan. Kinda cool that we got names now. But still, why are you coming along?" I shrug my shoulders and I follow him.

We soon join 9 other colord humans. They are all discussing something in a alien language.

"What's a kid doing here?" I hear one of them ask in a language I can understand. White shrugs and soon Black comes in.

"We will spread out in teams on a place called MiraHQ, from there we will learn more about the space around us and figure out what the humans plan on doing to us." Black says.

One in a pink suit raises its' hand, well, claw. Black looks over and the pink suited one asks its' question.

"Why is there a kid here?" It asks.

"The kid is here because it has a abilities. I feel like it belongs in space. From there we can capture humans and other things from them to test and find out the kids full ability." Black answers. 

Soon everyone walks onto a big ship, where a lime suited human is. Everyone sits down and the lime suited one pushes buttons. Soon we're in space, being taken to MiraHQ. The human is killed and everyone learns lessons about how to act. 

White teaches me a few things about being an Imposter. Soon he finds out that I am infact Imposter, just not fully. He learns that every month I kill one human were my Polision side takes over

Soon we get to MiraHQ. We spread out but me and White stay with Black. I follow their orders and I see White as a father figure. Black is the Alpha to one of 3 powerful groups of  Polision Imposters and he is the strongest Alpha. When we get on different ships, I distract, they kill, they eat, I make friends. I trick the humans and the others kill. It goes like this for years. Soon I come to a place called the Skeld. Same routine. Distract, kill, leave. Nothing more. 

But something changed. I killed White, my father figure.

I feel stronger than Black. 

I see humans unlike any other.

I am a Imposter. 

I am a Polision. 

My name is Cyan.

And I am in love with a human called Red.



Dramatic ey? So this is Cyans' backstory, next it'll be Blacks split with Reds. Man I'm excited. I might post another chapter today if I get the time, but I've been motivated a LOT so I'm def gonna post more. Can't wait to see ya'll in the next chapter!


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