New Friends

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"5 MINUTES UNTIL LANDING" A loud robotic voice sounded through the ship. I prefer when I said things through the ship because the robot voice was emotionless, whilst I had emotion.

"Stupid voice, I do a better job." I grumbled. The last of the Skeld crew gathered around the door leading to the outside, the place where we killed people. Cyan was next to me. He has been closer to me since I found out what he is.

He placed his hand on my shoulder. "That's for sure." He whispered next to me. I smiled under my helmet. Green still seemed depressed, but him and Purple have been working out their grief together.

The doors opened to a massive building on a Planet called MIRA-182940DA. Strange name. We walked out and were greeted by 7 other people.

"Hello! Welcome to MiraHQ! Red, I believe you are the captain?" The one in blue asks.

"Yes, we've come to restock. We're having a problem on getting an Imposter off our ship and we've had a lot of death. We plan on staying a week then resuming our trip to Polus." I say. I haven't been this professional since I got on the Skeld.

"Imposters have been pestering us too." The blue one chuckled. Since he's speaking, I guess he's the leader of the place.

"Oh! Yeah I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jack, and I'd prefer to be called that." Jack says.

"I thought we needed to use code names?" I ask, puzzled on why people call him Jack and not Blue.

"We do, but over the years we've just stuck to the name. Too many blue people anyway, so it won't confuse us when another blue astronaut comes over." Jack explains.

"Oh, that's nice. How many years have you been called that?" I ask.

"About 3, gonna be 4 in 6 days." Jack says excitingly. I continue to talk with Jack and the others come around and greet each other. Cyan sticks with Black and they talked to a Yellow astronaut.

"Oh, one more thing. We're planning on keeping you here for 2 weeks. We need a bit of help here too, so please follow me to see your rooms." Jack calls out. His team agrees and my team sigh with relief.

My team follows Jack while the others leave for their tasks.

"Kinda ironic that we need 5 people" Jack chuckles. He shows us around the floor we're on. He told us that his team were quarantined when the 1st death happened so the Imposter couldn't kill anyone else on the other floors.

"And here are your rooms! I've needed another leader-like roommate so Red, you're with me. Black can stay with Yellow, Cyan can stay with Pink, and Green and Purple can stick with each other." Jack says gleefully.

He guides me to his room while Yellow and Pink talk with their new roommates. Green and Purple claimed their room as well.

"As much as I'd love to have another girl here, all our girls were killed so you're the only Female here." He says. He looks down at he floor and opens the door to his room. 

I gasp at how big it is. It could hold 6 people! I look over to Jack and he takes off his helmet and sits on his Bed.

I step back a bit, we were never supposed to take off our helmets.

"The oxygen here is more than on your ship, so you can take off the helmet." He looks over to me and smiles. He looks kinda cute.

"No thanks, I don't want to ruin the habit I have to not take off the helmet." He laughs lightly at my small joke. I sit down on a bed next to his and we talk for awhile. Soon 6pm rolls around.

"Ah dinner time is in an hour. We need a new cook" Jack chuckles. What a positive guy. He make me smile.

"We have a cook, I think he'll be glad to cook for you" I respond. He stops his laugh and looks me dead in the eyes. He focus on them and I don't know how he did. I tense up.

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