Win or Lose

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Artwork is NOT mine! Go check out Laproxie on Instagram. They have a pretty cool Among Us comic. I'll comment the link.


"Marry did live, but after that she really wanted to retire. So I took over, and made such a reputation that Mira wasn't ever attacked at that place again. I still think they're using my legend to protect their plans." I finish. Black leans back up.

"What were you called after 'Marry' retired?" He asked. I looked over to him.

"Azrael. Azrael Dearil. Kinda a strange name but I liked it." I respond. Black nods his head.

"That sounds cool, kinda wish I was an assassin." Black says, leaning back into the chair. I stare at him dumbfounded.

"But, you are an assassin. You've been hidden in ships for years, killing the crews of your chosen vessels." I say, crossing my arms and leaning on the wall.

"Guess your right." I nod my head.

"Oh! C'mon, we forgot. We're in a game." Black stands up and urges me to follow.

"I got this, Purp and White are in reator." I say. Black looks at me confused.

"I'm the cap, I can have a map of where everyone is." I say.

"Cheater" Black says.

"Ok ok, I won't use it anymore after this kill." I say. Black nods his head and holds out his hand. I shake it and we head to Reator. We walk in and see Purple and White in there. I hate the task here.

I walk up to them, and jester to Black behind us. Purp looks over and waves. Black waves back.

"3, 2, 1" We and Black grab our fake knives and stab them. White falls over and rubs red paint of him, while Purp overreacts. I'm guessing he's saying "Oh the betrayal! How could you Captain Red?"

I chuckle slightly and White sits up and slaps Purps butt with red paint. Purp looks at him offended.

"No homo" White says. I guess his helmet isn't on right. I laugh slightly.

"C'mon, let's go. We'll split up. Get O2." Black nods and take out his tablet. He triggers the O2 alarm. We hear people run to Admin and O2.

"C'mon!" I run after the others and Black follows.


"I say it's Jack!"

"What?! NO! It's you!"

Jack and Yellow have been at each others' throats for about 10 minutes. I roll my eyes and Black and Cyan chuckles.

"BOYS!" I yell. They shut up and look at me.

"2 other bodies were found in Reator, where was the third?" I say. I killed Yellow earlier.

"In Nav." Jack responds.

"Ok, so the Imposters traveled to the other side of the ship. I think maybe they teamed up while going to Reator, dealing with the little trail of blood leading out of Nav. Who was the last ones to join each other after leaving Nav?" I say, leaning on the table. People start discussing.

"You're good." Black says through the Imposter mic. I smile.

"Well, everyone but Cyan and Green were apart. So maybe them?" Jack says. Cyan is quick to defend himself.

"Hang on, me and Green were not teaming up. Sure, we were together the first few moments after Nav, but that's only because I needed help with the card swipe." He says.

"Yeah, he only wanted me for Card" Green says. It's strange that he still uses that old voice of his, back before I knew who he is.

"Card Swipe? I don't have that, and that's a task multiple people have!" Lemon says. I nod my head in agreement. Soon people start to agree.

"Cyan, Green, was are you gonna say now? You've been pinned." Black says.

"I uh, ugh, erm-" Cyan studders. We start to vote.

"4 to 5! Cyan is ejected!" I say.

"What?! No!" Black and Brown grab Cyan and drag him to the airlock.

"No wait stop! Stop!" Cyan yells, kicking his feet. We watch as Cyan gets put in there. I smile smugly.

"Cyan has been Ejected." A robot voice says. I cut off all mics but the Ghost one on his suit.

"Damit" Is the last thing we heard before he gets muted. We open the doors and let Cyan and the other ghosts talk. Cyan clenches his fists and glares at me. I smile at him and wave. I see the other ghosts laugh.

It goes like this for the next few rounds. Black kills Jack, and I kill Green. Soon it's just Me, Black, Brown, and Lemon.

"I'm telling you, it's Black!" Brown shouts. I've been trying to defend him, but he slipped up. He was seen by Brown killing Jack. Brown often gets Lemon on his side, and Lemon chooses the most popular side, being the Voting Off Black side.

"Hang on, are you sure you didn't just see one of the dark colors suited members standing up? Like Purp, Jack, or Green?" I say desperately.

"NO. I. SAW. BLACK" Brown says. He votes for Black, and so does Lemon.

"Red help me out here!" Black says. I look down at his sitting form. I'm standing up.

"I'm sorry Black, but it really seems like your the Imposter. How could've you? I thought you were my friend." I say, and vote Black. I look sadly at him.

"YOU B**CH! I'LL KILL YOU ONE DAY YOU MOTHERF**KER!" Black yells and screams, but get's dragged away. We watch as Black gets' Ejected. I cut off his mics and he walks over to the other Ghosts.

Soon it's just Me, Lemon, and Brown. We stare at each other. My kill cooldown will be done in 10 seconds, but the button can be pressed in 10 too. It's a who kills or button first. I stare at brown, but direct my helmet to look at Lime.




I slash Brown as soon as Lemon hits the button, but Brown dies.

"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!" I scream, flinging my fake knife in the air. Black jumps up and cheers too. I turn on all our mics and me and Black celebrate. I laugh as Black playfully pushes me on the ground. The other crew just clap and laugh.

"We won! We won! We won Black, we won!" I yell. Black just laughs and starts dying. He wheezes and snorts. The others start laughing because of him.

The last game of Among Us. We'll play again later. In the meantime Cyan and Black goes into the freezer and gets us Ice cream. We all laugh and have fun. But I can' get one thing out of my mind.

I won pretending to be a Alien



Wow that was fun. F**k spanish, yes books. Ok now I must go and speak spanish. I suck at it lol


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