It Didn't End

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Damn I am late. Really late. Anyways, here is the one and only Farsky Polision. Though this may look big, it's only about 3 feet tall. Oh and don't worry, it eats plants, its stomach mouth is there only for defense and intimidation.


"BROWN!" White screamed, running over to where Brown was heard. We rushed after him. The other Polisions watched from afar and followed, curious as why the human screamed.

We soon arrived at Medbay, and I slowly walk forward to a frozen White.

"White-" I look over to where he was looking and froze, my blood boiling in rage and disbelief. There lied Browns' body, mutilated and torn to shreds.

The others come over and gasp, a few of them running off to empty their stomachs.

"Black, get rid of the Polisions, one of them killed him." I say sternly, making everyone, even Black, shake a bit.

Black nods and runs out, and I hear him yelling in Polision. I stare at Browns' body. A look of disgust takes over my face, but it's hidden behind my helmet.

White starts sobbing and Red comes over and hugs him. She looks at me with sadness. I leave to be alone, rage causing me to blindly go to the tree, the most calming place. I walk there quickly, but I see Jack there. He stares at me with hate, pure hate.

"You did this, you made one of them kill Brown" Jack says. I growl at him as a warning, I'm not in the mood.

"You killed him! You killed Brown, you monster! I don't care about Red, you two should die! You, Black, and Red!" I try to calm down, the hate going to Red making me almost snap. I clench my jaw.

"You kill us, you Imposters! I don't care anymore, you should die as well. When I convince the others, we'll kill you, Black, and Red. She deserves to die for being an Impo-" I cut him off. I hold him in the air by his throat.

"You speak another word, trash, and I'll kill you. Browns death was unexpected, and I never wished for his death. If you didn't notice, I've got bodies under the ship so I don't kill you, but it really seems you want to die," I snarl. Jack watches me with fear.

"CYAN! Put him down" Red yells at me. I look over to her. Her fear is evident. Am I scaring her?

I drop Jack and he grips his throat, coughing.

"I never kill unless needed or provoked. Black didn't do that kill, if you pay attention, you would know he doesn't want to kill us. A Polision did this, and I plan to kill it." I growl at him, making him stare at me with fear.

"I'll kill every Polision that touches you humans" I say looking over to Red. She looks back at me. I realize that the others looked at me, Black keeping his distance and shielding the others.

"I am the boss here, and if you don't want to die, leave. Go to the resting area." I command. Black ushers them to leave, fear on his face. Red watches me, then looks at Jack. He runs out from under me and goes behind Green. Green just shoves him away.

"You plan to kill our only way to survive, you are not our captain, Jack, Red is" Green hisses at him. Black walks over and grabs him and shoves him to the rooms, the others follow.

"Go" I say to Red. She stares at me before walking off.

I walk back over to Browns body, staring at it. I kneel down and scream. It's so loud that it echoes. I take off my helmet and shatter it on the ground. I look at my reflection, seeing that my eyes are glowing a toxic red. I don't care.

I take in the sulfur rich air of Polus. The ash and blood lace the air. I sigh, finding a well hidden scent that can't be found by a normal Polision.

I trace the scent, following it through the base. I soon find it by the lava pit, where the scent is strongest. A Polision hides behind the rocks.

I walk over and grab the Polision. It screams and tries to stab me with its' large claws. So small.

I smirk, watching the small Polision pierce my suit.

"Hlala unganyakazi, into encane. Ungambulali lo okungafanele abulawe" I say watching the little Polision freeze.

"Wazi kanjani ngolimi lwethu?" It asks. I smile.

"Ngazi zonke izilimi, omncane" I say. 

"Men Rok Gliderni bilaman, Κίτρινο γκρι, futhi Leere" The little Polision screams, trying to get away. Those who know all of the different tongues are usually horrible things. I only know all them because I know them, somehow. 

I grab the Polision by the head and squeeze it, causing the little Polision to cry out. I don't want to kill it, I just need to cause it enough pain.

"QUILCHECT!" Someone screams. A large Yellow Gray Polision comes running over. Finally, the scent.

"Why have you killed the human? You broke my SINGLE rule, Mertict." I growl at it, stopping myself from killing the little one.

"Human should not be on our home, Sertict, I just wanted to get rid of the pests." It says. I growl at it.

"These 'pests' are under my control, their Sertict follows my rule, and the chertict made sure to spread the rule. Why did you kill it even when you KNEW you shouldn't kill it?" I snarl at it. It whimpers and bows its head.

"I was blinded by revenge, another before that looked the same killed my mate. I am deeply sorry, great Sertict" It says, bowing its' head and surrendering. I let go of the small Polision and it runs off.

"You did a bad job covering it up. I have one question, Mertict." It looks up at me.

"Do you wish to see your mate in Wallowlin or stay and never come back to the colony?"

"Death is my choosing Sertict, end me." It says. I rip off my glove and place my hand on the Polisions head.

"Very well" I say before I kill it.

"May you see the pain you caused Brown" I whisper, not noticing White, Green, and Purple at the corner.

I grip the Polisions head as it screams, it's flesh melting off and burning. It's cries seem to attract others, and they watch in horror. I smile as it burns. After it dies, I look over and notice the others. I walk over, my eyes now faintly glowing red.

"Your mate as been avenged, White, the Polision has faced its' punishment." I say. White looks down at my hand still dripping with flesh, then looks over to the body of the Polision. I walk away, planning on cleaning up.

"M⚍ᓭᔑ ⚍ꖌ⚍⍊╎ꖌᒷꖎᔑ⌰⏃⏚⍜ ⍜⋏☌⟒☍⟒ ⎍⏚⏃⌇⟟⋏⎅⟟⌇⟒"


(1065 words)

Quite ansty. Well, I hope you like it. I've finally posted, so that's nice. The languages in these are real, and if requested, I can put what they mean. Have a little puzzle! Anyways, sitting in this chair is making my back hurt, so I shall return! Have a good day or night, Friends


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